Decalcification and mobilization of the pineal gland

18 May, 2022

Decalcification and mobilization of the pineal gland are two different things. In essence, detoxification removes crystallized deposits of fluoride and phosphate.

Once we enter the process of decalcification and mobilization of the pineal gland, it begins to function normally again.

What is the Pineal Gland?

The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland found in the brain, specifically in the epithalamus (between the two hemispheres).  It is reddish-gray in color and shaped like a small pine cone. Its size is 5-8 millimeters and weighs about 150 milligrams. It grows until the second year of life, although its weight increases until adolescence.

Interestingly, it lies outside the blood-brain barrier, a permeability barrier that separates circulating blood from extracellular fluid in the central nervous system. It allows the passage of water, gases and molecules.

It consists mainly of pinealocytes (whose function is to secrete melatonin), but 4 other cells have been identified in it.

Melatonin is a hormone found in humans, animals, fungi, plants, and bacteria. It participates in different cellular, neuro-endocrine and neuro-physiological processes, such as controlling the daily sleep cycle (deficits of this substance can lead to insomnia and depression).

Function of the pineal gland

The functions of the pineal gland are the last to be discovered of all endocrine organs. It responds to the variations of light that occur around us, activating itself in the absence of it to secrete melatonin (also serotonin, noradrenaline, histamine and some more).  Different functions can be highlighted:

  • Influences sex hormones
  • It secretes melatonin, produces DMT (diméthyltryptamine) and is a storehouse of serotonin (happiness hormone).
  • Regulates endocrine functions, seasonal and biological rhythms, sleep-wake cycles, stress, physical performance, and mood
  • Strengthens the immune system

Pathologies that the pineal gland can suffer

The main problem of the pineal gland is calcification, as it tends to accumulate fluoride. Over the years, phosphate crystals are formed and the gland hardens, which leads to a lower production of melatonin. This is why sleep cycles are altered with old age.

In addition to influencing night cycles, calcification of the pineal gland is also related to Alzheimer’s, some migraines and early sexual development.

On the other hand, it is possible that the pineal gland may suffer from tumors, known as pinealomas, which can cause pathologies such as Parinaud syndrome, hydrocephalus, cognitive and visual alterations, etc.

Calcification of the pineal gland

Calcification causes the crystals of the pineal gland to adhere to mineral deposits. Therefore, crystals can no longer exercise their property of piezo luminescence.

The effects of calcification are depression, anxiety, bulimia/anorexia, schizophrenia, and other forms of mental illness. Calcification also disrupts melatonin secretion.

Melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone, is mostly known as the central hormone that regulates chronobiological rhythms and, from a certain point of view, virtually all hormonal secretions… It is secreted by the pineal gland in response to the absence of light. Melatonin appears to have multiple functions in addition to hormonal ones, in particular as an antioxidant (anticancer).  It also seems to play a role in the immune system.

Main causes of pineal gland calcification

Fluoride comes from toothpaste, tap water and bottled water, certain foods, psychotropic medications such as prozac, which is also called fluoxetine and contains 30% fluoride. The pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body.

Calcification comes from the accumulation of calcium phosphate crystals in various parts of the body. It is a natural process caused mainly by nano-bacteria. Nano-bacteria are microorganisms that form tiny calcium phosphate shells around them, basically to protect themselves from the immune system. According to the latest research, it seems that this may be the cause of most diseases.

From arthritis to strokes, from cancer to back pain. Through the standard food system, most people are exposed to many more of these organisms than ever before and that, in addition, also calcify in other ways.

The main causes

Tap water

Tap water is filled with calcifying substances.

Carbonate or calcium phosphate supplementation

Main cause of calcification of the pineal gland.

If we need calcium, let’s take the calcium from NewAge: citrate and calcium malate, which are much more easily assimilated by the body than carbonate and calcium phosphate used in the food industry.


Cortisol and adrenaline, as well as other hormones created by the adrenal glands when stressed, can interfere with melatonin and serotonin, the sister hormones of DMT or the pineal elixir that we help awaken. Interestingly, melatonin is generated when it is in total darkness. This is what allows the “internal” light  to shine brighter.


Magnetically attracted to the pineal gland where it forms more calcium phosphate crystals than any other part of the body.

These substances have very negative effects on the pineal gland. It is important to eliminate them from your daily diet and drain them from the pineal gland.

True fluoride venom for the pineal gland

It is a toxic compound. This causes congestion of the bile ducts and many other diseases. Fluoride is added to 60% of drinking water. It is also added to a large number of products, including: soy derivatives, toothpaste, fluoride tablets and chewing gum, tea, vaccines, household products, salt or fluoridated milk, anesthetics, fluoride gas-emitting mattresses, alcohol and antibiotics. It is also found in polluted air and in contaminated aquifer deposits.

Numerous investigations have shown that some tumors can be directly attributed to fluoride intake. Other studies have shown that fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland and interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the onset of puberty, thyroid functions, and other basic physiological processes. In humans, fluoride has been shown to be responsible for: arthritis, osteoporosis, hip fractures, bone cancer, infertility, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain damage.

To help the body cope with diseases caused by fluoride, including hypothyroidism, it is very important to clean the bile ducts, avoid products containing fluoride, and use a water purification system that eliminates it.  Boron is a mineral that removes fluoride from the body. The most effective presentation is that of ionic boron.

The people most exposed to fluoride are those who are in contact with or use the following:

  • Tap water and bottle of mineral water
  • Some fruit juice concentrates are used to make juices, as well as the water they use for the juice itself.
  • Toothpastes and mouthwashes
  • Pesticides in food

Health problems due to excessive fluoride intake

  • Alters the central nervous system causing mental hyperactivity, lack of concentration and decreased IQ. Memory loss too.
  • Causes mild dental fluorosis that are small streaks or white spots on the enamel of the tooth, pain and damage to the bones and also the joints.
  • Demineralizes the bones.
  • Generates cancer of the bones, skin problems, dental problems such as loss of enamel and brown appearance, cardiovascular, reproductive, neurological, temporo-mandibular joint disorder.
  • Imbalances the secretion of hormones from the parathyroid gland (hyperparathyroidism).
  • Impairs joint mobility.
  • Increases the risk of fractures.
  • Leads to osteoporosis and hip fractures.
  • Severely affects children’s mental development and bone growth.


They can cause serious damage to human health such as the environment.

It is absorbed through the skin, food and during breathing. Bromides are widely used as sprays to kill insects and other unwanted pests. But they are poisonous to humans.

Negative effects on health :

  • Alters the genetic material, the nervous system
  • Causes stomach and gastrointestinal dysfunctions
  • Damages certain organs such as liver, kidneys, lungs and testicles, the nervous system such as the thyroid gland

Mercury and heavy metals

Mercury is very bad for the pineal gland and for the body in general. Some dental amalgams contain it (it should be removed as soon as possible).  It is also present in pesticides (with other heavy metals), and therefore, in the food we eat daily, as well as: industrial emissions, fluorescent tubes, energy-saving light bulbs (they are the three most dangerous) but also batteries, disinfectants, cosmetics, vaccines, etc.

It is very difficult to remove it from the brain, without proper chelation.

We found a high concentration of mercury in large fish such as tuna.

Foods containing pesticides and fungicides

Most industrial, large-scale foods contain pesticides and also fungicides.

Genetically modified products

Toxic products

  • Alcohol
  • Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, splenda and synthetic sugars
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Dental rinses
  • Deodorants and industrial products against bad odors
  • Industrial coffee, tobacco composed of many toxic products
  • White sugar and refined cereals or starches

Cellular Nutrition for the decalcification and mobilization of the pineal gland


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