
27 February, 2022

The skeleton or sets of bones represents the structure of life.

The lower limbs are connected to Mother Earth. When we speak of the Mother, we can refer to a problem of maternal function.

A problem in the lower extremity, there can be two problems:

  • A conflict with the mother.
  • I do not exercise the maternal function well.

Upper extremities are connected with paternal function. The upper limb is related to what is done in life.

Psychological correspondence of the skeleton


It represents our contact with the nourishing earth (nourishing mother). They are linked to the relationship we have with our mother as well as to the conflicts with her, which can be traced back to conception.

Our feet give us stability in movements toward a goal, a desire or a direction. They help us feel safe in our relationship with the universe. Representing the position we take, we face the situations that are presented to us. Having a left foot stronger than the right foot (or vice versa) can inform us about the different tendencies that we favor in our movements or contacts with the physical, mental or spiritual terrain. In addition, if we walk with our feet out, we can feel confused about which direction to take or maintain a dispersion of the energies put into different projects. Whereas if the feet are inward, we live with a closure or a resistance. against the directions to take in life.


The ankle is a very flexible and mobile part of the body. Serves to support the body and, due to its physical position, is under great pressure. It is a kind of bridge, a link between us and the earth. Thanks to her we are grounded in the earth, if the spiritual energy travels from top to bottom and vice versa, we are in contact with Mother Earth. Place where we express our ability to move forward, to get up and stand, stable and down to earth.

The peg executes changes of direction and therefore represents decisions and commitments that are made taking into account beliefs and values.

Any ankle injury or pain is related to the ability to stay flexible when changing direction. If we are afraid of what is to come, if we are inflexible in the face of a decision to make, if we go too fast without thinking, if we are afraid of our present or future responsibilities, if we have the feeling of being unstable, we run the risk of stopping the energy in our ankles.

Depending on the intensity of the energy blockage and the closure of the flow of life, it can result in a sprain, strain or fracture. We can’t stand without our ankles.

Perhaps we should bet on new ways of seeing things, new “criteria”, more open and flexible. They take care of us and our inner being, they support us in life.

If an ankle gives way or breaks, we no longer have a solid foundation, we have to change direction, we are in a mental conflict. The ankle can no longer support us and the whole body gives way physically. In a sense, our life also collapses, but it is more the image that something is wrong than a real collapse.

With ankle sprain, it is the energy that is “twisted” in the ankle and our support structure is distorted. Nothing is clear and defined anymore. When we are faced with something very deep, a change forced for us to be – better, the rupture or fracture manifests.

Really, we have to change direction.

Our honor, safety, purpose, and direction in life are at stake.

No matter the evil, the period of immobility that follows, allows the body and the inner self to integrate well the aspect of your life that we must change and also allows the wonderful transformation that follows for us to unfold.

We have to accept life and everything that awaits us. This will help us live life on the positive side!


Knees are the joints in which we kneel, surrender to the normal hierarchy or to what is above us and also to the movement and direction we operate.

The knees, therefore, show our degree of flexibility and serve to cushion blows when the pressure is too high.

They are affected when we devalue ourselves in relation to our physique or sports records.

If we have difficulty bending our knees, we show some stiffness. It may be because our ego is very strong and proud.

A knee that bends easily is a sign of humility and flexibility.

Knees are necessary to maintain our position and social status.


The hips carry the body in perfect balance and are located between the pelvis and the femur (the long bone that runs along the thigh and forms the skeleton).

The hips allow the legs to move to move the body forward.

We have to determine whether we have a future or not.

They represent fundamental beliefs about what our relationships with the world are or probably will be. The pelvis and hips form a whole, and thus represent the fact of throwing ourselves into life.

Therefore, the hips will also represent our level of determination to progress in life.

We must agree to move forward with joy and confidence in life, knowing that everything is experience to help us discover our inner riches.


The lower back is also part of the center of the movement system. If we have difficulty relating to society, both in terms of directions to take and the support we expect from it, we may experience frustration or resentment. We don’t want to confront certain people or certain situations.

Our personal relationship with the environment suffers.

We may also have difficulty accepting aging and must slowly tame the notion of mortality.

Finally, the lumbar area is closely related to the two lower energy centers, the coccyx and the second energy center that is more specifically related to sexuality.

If we experience internal or external conflicts with sexuality, if we repress our sexual energy, back pain can arise.

The 4 sacral vertebrae and the 5 vertebrae of the coccyx are related to this region.

When the sacral vertebrae are affected, we may feel that we have no spine and need someone else to support us.

Life constantly “tests” us to see what our level of integrity and honesty is.

We have enormous potential, but are we prepared to make the necessary efforts to achieve our goals?


A vertebral deviation symbolizes above all a resistance to live our life fully. The way we behave in life, our difficulty in letting life sustain us and leaving behind the old ideas will manifest itself in a deviation of the spine that will tilt sideways, forward or backward…

We must decide to accept and remain “rights” in the face of life, with confidence and determination.

Lumbar vertebrae

They are part of the support system.

Pain in this region manifests the presence of material (work, money, property) and affective insecurities. “Being afraid of losing…!” “To think that we will never make it!” Expresses inner feelings well. Being so preoccupied with all that is material that we feel sad because there is a void and the void hurts us.

Even being able to base our self-esteem on the amount of material possessions we possess.

Living in a great duality, because we want to have both “quality” and “quantity”, both in interpersonal relationships and in what we have.

Tend to carry too much on our shoulders and disperse our energies.

We try to do everything to please and have fun with the opinion that others have of us.

It can also be a concern in front of one person or another. We care about them and maybe we tend to “take other people’s problems on our backs” and want to save them.

Our helplessness in certain situations of life makes us bitter and we refuse to submit, we are afraid. This feeling of helplessness that can lead us to rebellion, can lead us to “lumbago” or “back pain”.

We don’t feel supported in our basic and emotional needs.

It is difficult for us to cope with the changes and novelties that are presented to us because we like to feel safe in our routine and old habits.

It often reveals that we tend towards inflexibility, rigidity and that we would like to be supported in our own way.

If We accept that others can help us in their own way, we will discover and realize that we have the support we need.

In this way, we become more autonomous and responsible.

If it’s a lumbar disc impingement, we’re certainly under too much pressure to accomplish things or be loved.

Since a period of rest is necessary, we will take the opportunity to look at what is happening in our life and redefine our priorities.

By not feeling supported, we will become rigid with others.

Do we tend to blame others for our difficulties?

Do we take the time to express our needs?

We must accept that the support we need comes from within. Reconnect with our inner being, balance our needs and gather all the forces of the universe that are within us. These forces give us confidence in ourselves and in life because we become aware that they bring us everything we need: physical, emotional, spiritual.  Let us realize that we are supported at all times!

Dorsal vertebrae

The central part of the back represents the large thoracic region of the body between the heart and the lumbar vertebrae. It is a region of emotional guilt and affection.

Cervical vertebrae

The upper back corresponds to the heart region and the cardiac energy center. Back pain refers to the early stages of conception, basic needs, and the most fundamental structure of being.

Cervical vertebrae refer to communication and our degree of openness to life. Our naivety can make us vulnerable at this level. If we have the feeling that someone wants to judge us, criticize us or hurt us, we can be affected at this level and we will tend to close ourselves like an oyster.

The cervical C1, C2 and C3 are particularly affected if we devalue ourselves in terms of our intellectual abilities and the lower cervical will react to the injustices we may receive, to the feelings we feel in our life or what we see around us disgusts us.


Shoulders represent our ability to carry a load.

Our shoulders carry our joys, our sorrows, our responsibilities and our insecurities.

If we take responsibility for the happiness and well-being of others, then we will increase the weight we carry and feel pain in our shoulders.

Feeling that we have “too much to do” and that we can never do everything.

Having the feeling that we are being prevented from taking action, either because of different opinions or because people simply do not want to help and support us in our projects.

Also feel pain in the shoulder when we experience great emotional (left shoulder) or material (right shoulder) insecurities or when we feel overwhelmed by the weight of responsibilities, both emotional and material.

Being so afraid of tomorrow that we forget to live today.

The difficulties we encounter, the responsibility of having to create, do, perfect, all that can “crush” us.

We may want to prove to ourselves that, in spite of everything, we can cope with situations by throwing our shoulders back, exposing the chest more, but the reality is that the back is weak and contracted by fear.

If the affected part of the shoulder refers to the bones (fracture, breakage), it will be more related to the basic responsibilities.

If the affected part of the shoulder is the muscles, it will be more about thoughts and emotions.

Let us also learn to circulate the energy of the heart to the shoulders then, in the arms, which avoids pains and discomforts, because the shoulders represent the action and also the movement, from the design to the material.

Inner desires must be expressed, created, and executed because they come from the heart. Emotional energy must be directed even to the arms and hands to fulfill these desires. If we prevent ourselves from saying or doing things, if we lock ourselves in (it comes from the word “house”, which means to lock ourselves in a place. Figuratively it means locking ourselves instead of experiencing life, if we wear masks to cover our fears and apprehensions, our shoulders will be more tense and stiff.

If the shoulder bone cracks or breaks, there is a conflict in life that is very deep and affects the essence of who we are.

The tension or other discomfort we feel in the shoulder gives us an indication of whether it is the right or left shoulder. If the right shoulder is affected, it is the active male side: it indicates that it has a conflict or a tension in relation to work, to the way of acting against authority.  It is the “hard and controlling” side that wins.

On the other hand, if it is the left shoulder that is affected, the tension that is felt is linked to the feminine aspect of life, that is, creative and receptive, to the ability to express feelings.

We must become aware of what burdens us, take responsibility for ourselves and let others take care of their own happiness. Learn to delegate.

A frozen shoulder means it becomes cold and painful and is altered to use it completely.

It can come from an indifference to what we are doing. Or we really don’t feel like doing it.

There is a deep tension that tells us that we really want to do something different than what we are doing now.

Let us also learn to live in the present moment, which will allow us to lighten the weight we carry on our shoulders. Trusting in the universe that every day takes care of our needs.


A problem of the humerus comes from a conflict of affective devaluation.

It corresponds to responsibility as an adult, or as a father, mother, or as a human being in society.


Head of right humerus: Devaluation due to couple conflict.

Left humerus head: Devaluation due to mother/child conflict.


Head of right humerus: Devaluation due to mother/child conflict.

Left humerus head: Devaluation due to couple conflict.


The elbows represent freedom of movement, flexibility, ease of changing direction in new situations or life experiences. It is the adaptable and flexible articulation of the arm that allows creativity and the graceful expression of everyday gestures.

Pain or stiffness in the elbow means lack of flexibility, fear of feeling “trapped” or cornered in an unpleasant situation.

Since our elbows are linked to action, we can feel mental rigidity and judge people who have a different way of doing things than ours and who can remind us of our own habits.

We are resisting taking a new direction, unconsciously blocking the energy of the heart that goes to this joint.

Two healthy elbows allow us to put more energy into doing what we want. Then it is easy for us to accept life and its many changes. We give ourselves more easily and take care of ourselves as we deserve. Even when sometimes we are afraid to let go.

Let us remain open to love, which will help us live our daily lives more easily without aggressiveness, with flexibility and open-mindedness.


It has to do with the field of action.


The wrists are the joints, the pivots that allow the mobility and flexibility of the hands and that connect with the forearms.

A stiffness in the wrists, therefore, prevents taking in harmony or choosing everything that life presents. It indicates an obstruction, blocking or denial of the actions to be performed.

Wrist pain can represent repressed energy about something that needs to be done but is being held back and is not doing.

Fracture or sprain indicates a deep conflict of expression about life and how it uses us to do its job.

We must immobilize them and not move our hands. Reflect on these pains to realize that we need to release these energies with love and confidence, as their free flow will allow us to act constructively through these actions.


Hands represent the ability to catch, give, or receive. They are the intimate expression of the self in the Universe and the power of touch is so great that we feel powerless when our hands hurt.

They have a unique character: like fingerprints, they represent the past, the present and the future.

We have situations of daily life in our hands and the state of the hands shows how much we grasp reality, how we express both love and hate (in the form of a fist).

If the hands are cold, it indicates that we are emotionally withdrawing from a situation or relationship in which we are involved.

We can also refuse to meet our basic needs and treat ourselves.

Wet hands indicate an excessive amount of anxiety and nervousness. We are overwhelmed by emotions, perhaps feeling too involved or too active in a certain situation of everyday life.

Pains or cramps indicate a refusal to be flexible in the face of present situations. We have to ask ourselves what bothers us or what we don’t want to do. We may have a sense of inadequacy or a great fear of failure. This leads us to want to “control” everything with our hands, to want to own everything in case something or someone “slips through our fingers”.

If the hands bleed (e.g. dry hands, eczema, etc.), surely there is a situation in life, a dream, a project that we feel we cannot achieve and that leads us to live from sadness. Then the joy of living is gone.

In case of paralysis of the hands, we feel like “paralyzed” at the level of our means to perform our actions. In addition, hand paralysis can occur after a very intense mental activity in which we feel overexcited, annoyed or the pressure is excessive in us. Perhaps we have the pleasure of “twisting someone’s neck” with our hands or prevent ourselves from experiencing some intimacy, whether through touch, given or received. This fear of contact may be related to a particular present event that reminds us of past abuse.

Let us learn to let go and “rise to heaven,” realizing that the only power we have is over ourselves and not over others.

Deformation of the bones

When bones are deformed, this indicates excess tension and mental pressure.

The bones can deform because of the pressure that we impose on ourselves or that we have the feeling of having to endure. It indicates that we are more mentally rigid.

We have to learn to be more flexible about our life principles. Open ourselves mentally to appreciate different facets of life and discover that love is present under various aspects.


If the bones fracture, this indicates a rebellion against authority.

When there is a fracture, this is the indication that we are currently experiencing a deep inner conflict. It may be related to rebellion or reactions to authority (from which we want to cut ourselves). This fracture tells us that we cannot continue like this and that a change is imposed. The location of the fracture informs us as to the nature of this conflict. If the fracture took place in an accident, we must see what is the culpability that we live in relation to this situation.

The bones also represent the support, stability and a fracture can be a warning that I have to separate ourselves from the past, let it go with flexibility to avoid useless stress and move on to another stage of evolution.

We are conditioned by our rules towards ourselves or society to the point that it demands a certain perfection and even be rigid.

We should pay more attention to physical activities to the detriment of the spiritual aspects of his life.

To regain this inner freedom, we must become aware of what bothers us.

Accept to love ourselves enough to express what we feel. To find our inner freedom again, to regain the freedom of our movements.

Exaggerated bone growth

Mainly on the extremities and face. Growth hormone is therefore secreted in much larger quantities than normal. If we are in this situation, we must ask ourselves what is the situation in which we have felt smaller to achieve or realize a project.

Where do we feel too small and too weak to be able to take our place and be respected?

The body’s response has been to grow disproportionately to help us take our place more easily.


The word dislocation (dis-location means a “loss of location”), as if it were out of circuit or on a path totally contrary to what is happening. A dislocation is linked to a deep sense of imbalance. At the level of the joint, the bone moves and “exits” completely from the site of the joint. Dislocation reveals the extent to which we are not or are not heading in the right direction. Bone is linked to the core of being, to the fundamental energy, dislocation indicates a profound change in the deeper energy of being.

We don’t have our place in the universe. One thing bothers us to the point of feeling confused.

We have to check and accept to make an awareness, which will allow us to overcome ourselves and see something new in our life. The dislocation is painful enough that we become aware that we must change so as not to live it again.

Bone pains

Bone conditions or diseases reflect, including bone cancer, a rebellion against this authority that we resist and against which we can even rebel, feeling unable or powerless to act in a certain dictated situation, subject to certain existing laws or principles.

We may wonder if we feel deeply disturbed in relation to our basic beliefs, our inner convictions.

If a disease or ailment affects our bones, we must ask ourselves what facet or aspect of our person we devalue. If we look and analyze which part of the skeleton is affected, we will have a good indication of what aspect of our existence is affected.

Body structure

Bones are the pillars, the solid structure of the body. Within the bone itself is the medulla, the deepest nucleus of being, where the immune cells that have the ability to protect us are born.

They also refer, therefore, to the structure of the laws and fundamental principles with which we have to deal on a day-to-day basis and that are applied by the authority (social, labor or family) to allow us to have a certain support and that order reigns.

Skeleton and bone marrow infection

It is found mostly in long bones such as the tibia, femur, humerus. The joints give movement and expression to the energy contained in the bones. An infection involves an irritation that creates an inner weakness. We live anger and frustration in the face of authority and the way life is structured and “regimented.”

We can also have the impression of not being quite sustained and supported.

But, we must learn to trust, to let go and to accept that the Universe supports us.

The infection only wants to show certain conflicts that we are currently experiencing. If it comes from a previous wound, the original causes of this wound may not yet have been treated.

Loss of the protein tissue of the skeleton

It involves a loss of intention from the desire to “be,” a loss of interest and motivation to be “there” deep within us. We are discouraged. We are tired of always having to fight against authority or against human laws.

This state of imbalance usually appears in women after menopause. As skeleton are affected, i.e. basic structures and beliefs, we can ask ourselves what are the beliefs to which we are attached and which perhaps we should change. We can still be “useful” and “productive” on some levels, both personally and socially or professionally, and that is valuable and rewarding.

Therefore, we must overcome this tendency to devalue ourselves by thinking that we are useless, “good for nothing.”  We have to trust life and find new sources of motivation.

Bone cancer

This cancer usually affects the bones of the legs, it means a great fear of going for life. We are afraid that we do not have everything we need to “face” the future.

The body screams in pain at the insecurity that inhabits us. It seems to us that we don’t have the structure to fit into the adult world.

We must trust in life knowing that it will give us the opportunities we need to live in society.

Negative attitude

Criticism and abuse affect the skeleton. Tendency to reject others or oneself, mainly, when we have a victim behavior.

Positive attitude

We feel guided, balanced and supported. We feel love for all beings.

Healthy skeleton

For skeleton to be healthy, we need to be well balanced and structured in daily life. Relax and trust in the flow and process of life.

Be your own authority, strong, well structured and solid.


Fragile skeleton

Detoxification Program

Revitalization and stabilization programme

You can also read this article about cellular nutrition to solve problems that affect bones.  View our website