Endonasal reflexology

2 March, 2022

What is endonasal reflexology?

Endonasal Reflexology is a technique based on the stimulation of different reflexogenic zones of the nasal mucosa.

It can be practiced thanks to snuff, which is prepared with various powders of plant ashes and pure tobacco. Tobacco helps to sort and balance the other plants. The Rapé is blown with a reed in each nostril. 

Also thanks to a metal stylet, finished by a small ball or sticks provided with a cotton container embedded in a mixture of specific essential oils to reinforce the desired effectiveness.

It acts on the third branch of the trigeminal nerve influencing the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) with reflex acts at a distance. Stimulation of certain points or in certain areas of the nose makes it possible to treat various functional disorders.

By stimulating the cavum or nasopharynx being located in the vicinity of the palatine sphenous ganglion or palatine pterygous, which is the conductor of the autonomic nervous system and in relation to the sensory motor nucleus of the trigeminal, it is thus possible to rebalance the autonomic system responsible for many disorders such as: insomnia, migraine, digestive disorder, depression,  stress, anxiety…

This efficiency is linked in particular to the important density of sensory (trigeminal – glossopharyngeal), sensory(olfactory nerve) and neurovegetative (sympathetic – parasympathetic) fibers.

The 3 nasal turbinates

  • Lower – metabolic pole (pelvic diaphragm – Disorders of the organs of assimilation, evacuation, genito-urinary and lower limbs – Actions).
  • Middle – rhythmic pole (thoracic diaphragm – Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders – words).
  • Superior – neurosensory pole (cranial and clavicular diaphragms – neuroendocrine disorders – Thoughts).

This therapeutic technique

Is related to other reflexogenic methods such as acupuncture, TLE or Emotional Freedom Technique, auriculotherapy, reflexology (ear, feet, facial, belly …).

Also, this method is perfectly adapted to the therapeutic range of alternative medicines.


  • Amenorrhoea
  • Anorexia
  • Anxiety
  • Cardiac arrhythmia
  • Asthma
  • Physical and psychic asthenia
  • Low weight
  • Bulimia
  • Nervous breakdown
  • Chronic colibacillosis
  • Spastic colitis
  • Nerve contracture (knotted neck)
  • Gastrointestinal difficulty (constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia…)
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Headache
  • Diseases related to alterations of the autonomic nervous system
  • Chronic enteritis
  • Spasmophilia
  • Constipation
  • Frigidity
  • Hypersomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Impotence
  • Ear infections
  • Insomnia
  • Coronary insufficiency
  • Dizziness
  • Hepato-digestive migraine
  • Cervico-brachial neuralgia
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Obesity
  • Poor thermoregulation
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Rhinitis
  • Snore
  • Pre-menopause syndrome
  • Sinusitis
  • Hot flashes
  • Excessive sweating
  • Tinnitus
  • Thyroid, thirst, digestive, endocrine, sexual disorders (impotence, frigidity…)

Who can practice it?

It can be practiced by all therapists. Also, all professionals who wish to give another direction to their medical practice. In addition, it has the considerable advantage of being able to be used alone or integrated with other therapies.

The powerful sense of smell

To understand what smell is and think about the ways you can use it in your work, you must first explore the way in which the sense of smell is organized.

How the sense of smell works

The sense of smell, like the sense of taste, is a chemical sense. They are called chemical senses because they detect chemical compounds in the environment, with the difference that the sense of smell works at much longer distances than the sense of taste. The process of smell follows more or less these steps:

First, the odor molecules in the form of vapor (chemical compounds) that are floating in the air reach the nostrils and dissolve in the mucus (which is located at the top of each nostril).

Second, under the mucus, in the olfactory epithelium, specialized receptor cells, also called smell receptor neurons, detect odors. Also, these neurons are able to detect thousands of different odors.

Smell receptor neurons transmit the information to the olfactory bulbs, which are located in the back of the nose.

Third, olfactory bulbs have sensory receptors that are actually part of the brain that send messages directly to:

  • more primitive centers of the brain where emotions and memories (structures of the limbic system) are stimulated;
  • “advanced” centers where conscious thoughts are modified (neo cortex).

These brain centers perceive smells and have access to memories that bring to mind people, places or situations related to these olfactory sensations.

It is important to add that the sense of smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than any other of the senses and that the recognition of smell is immediate. Other similar senses such as touch and taste must travel through the body through neurons and the spine before reaching the brain, while the olfactory response is immediate and extends directly to the brain. This is the only place where the central nervous system is directly exposed to the environment.

The sense of smell and the limbic system

The olfactory bulb is one of its structures and is a very old part of the brain. Information captured by the sense of smell passes from the olfactory bulb to other structures.

Is a network of structures connected to each other

Before, it is located near the middle part of the brain and is connected to the central nervous system. Still, these structures work together to have an effect on a wide range of behaviors including emotions, motivation, and memory. Therefore this system handles instinctive or automatic responses and has very little, if anything, to do with conscious thoughts or will.

The limbic system is also related to the interpretation of sensory data obtained from the neo cortex (the part of the brain where thought is made) to turn it into the motivations of behavior. It has a central function that is the mediation between the recognition of an event by a person, its perception as a situation that causes anxiety and the physiological reaction that results from it, all mediated through the endocrine system: The stimuli are conceptually processed in the cortex and pass to the limbic system where they are evaluated and a motivated response is elaborated.

The limbic system or emotional brain

Also called the middle brain, it is the portion of the brain located immediately below the cerebral cortex and comprising important centers such as: thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus, cerebral amygdala (not to be confused with those of the throat).

These are the centers of affectivity, it is also here where the different emotions are processed and you experience sorrows, anguish and intense joys.

The role of the amygdala as a processing center for emotions is unquestionable today. When the amygdala is injured you are not able to recognize the expression of a face or if a person is happy or sad.

Learning ability and memory require an intact amygdala.

The limbic system

It is in constant interaction with the cerebral cortex. A high-speed signal transmission allows the limbic system and the neocortex to work together, and this is what explains why you can have control over your emotions.

About a hundred million years ago the first higher mammals appeared. The evolution of the brain took a quantum leap. Above the medulla oblongata and the limbic system nature put the neocortex, the rational brain.

To instincts, impulses and emotions was added in this way the ability to think abstractly and beyond the immediacy of the present moment, to understand existing global relationships, and to develop a conscious self and a complex emotional life.

Today the cerebral cortex, the new and most important area of the human brain, covers and encompasses the oldest and most primitive. These regions have not been eliminated, but remain below, no longer holding the undisputed control of the body, but still active.

The cerebral cortex is not only the most accessible area of the brain: it is also the most distinctively human. In addition, most of your thinking or planning, language, imagination, creativity and capacity for abstraction, comes from this brain region.

Thus, the neocortex enables you not only to solve algebra equations, to learn a foreign language, to study different theories. It also gives your emotional life a new dimension.

Thus, love and revenge, altruism and intrigue, art and morals, sensitivity and enthusiasm go far beyond the rough models of perception and spontaneous behavior of the limbic system.

The prefrontal and frontal lobes

Thus, they play a special role in the neo-cortical assimilation of emotions. As the manager of your emotions, they take on two important tasks:

  • First, they moderate your emotional reactions, slowing down signals from the limbic brain.
  • Second, they develop concrete action plans for emotional situations. While the amygdala of the limbic system provides first aid in extreme emotional situations, the prefrontal lobe deals with the delicate coordination of your emotions.

When you take charge of your best friend’s love concerns, have feelings of guilt because of the pile of acts you’ve set aside, or pretend to calm at a conference, the neocortex is always working as well.


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