Balancing of the chakras

9 June, 2022

Chakras are energy centers located in our body. In these areas, biological and psychological aspects of our way of relating are integrated, so through the balancing of the chakras is the way to achieve well-being and a better quality of life.

The chakras do not have balancing when some dysfunctions are manifested.

Balancing of the seven main chakras

The balancing of the chakras is essential to live healthy.

The interconnection between the different chakras means that, if one is blocked, the energy cannot ascend to the next point of the wheel, something that generates different types of symptoms at a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level.

Balancing of the Crown Chakra



This chakra is linked with the higher realms, universal healing, consciousness, spirituality, wisdom, faith, union with the Universe.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel a total connection with others or with the so-called higher realms, we are able to do anything.

If it is unbalanced, we give excessive value to material things, we feel disconnected from life, alienated, confused, we have a tendency to fall into prejudices or we experience a generalized decline of illusion or we are unmotivated.

Some symptoms that are related to an imbalance of this chakra such as : extreme sensitivity to light, headache, coordination problems or irregular sleep …

At the psycho-emotional  level: depression, rigid ego, insensitivity, cruelty, unconsciousness, indifference…

Balancing of the Frontal Chakra





This chakra is linked to intuition, expanded imagination, visualization, synchronicity and clarity.

When this chakra is balanced, we trust our instinct and actively pursue our goals.

If it is unbalanced, we feel insignificant, we believe that we do not understand others, we value rationality above intuition or we have a hard time making decisions, concentrating or staying on the task.

Some symptoms that are related to an imbalance of this chakra such as : problems sleeping, feeling clumsy, difficulty learning new things, headache or vision problems, lack of memory …

At the psycho-emotional level : mental dispersion, indecision, procrastination, neglect, forgetfulness…

Balancing of the Throat or Laryngeal Chakra





This chakra is linked to speech, communication, the ability to express, authenticity and creativity.

When this chakra is balanced, we know how to express ourselves clearly and effectively, while we have full confidence in what we are saying, we feel authentic.

If it is unbalanced, we feel that we do not explain ourselves clearly, that we have trouble communicating effectively, that we do not find the right words, that we feel that no one listens to us or that we are not able to say what we think or what we feel.

Some symptoms that are related to an imbalance of this chakra such as : imbalance in the thyroid, hearing problems, tonsillitis or tonsillitis, ulcers in the mouth, tinnitus or tinnitus, asthma and ear infections …

At the psycho-emotional level : arrogance, falsehood, lying, gossip, excessive talking, little understanding, shyness, fear, manipulative behaviors, emotional overload…

Cardiac Chakra Balancing





This chakra is linked to compassion, love, acceptance, gratitude and deep relationships.

When this chakra is balanced, we are open on an emotional level and know how to put ourselves in the place of others, in addition to experiencing a generalized sense of inner peace.

If it is unbalanced, it is difficult for us to trust others and forgive.

Some symptoms that are related to an imbalance of this chakra such as : fatigue, weakness of the immune system or high blood pressure …

On the psycho-emotional level : anxiety, impatience, jealousy, confusion, worries, disgust, cruelty, dehumanization, hardness, shyness, loneliness…

Umbilical or solar chakra balancing





This chakra is linked to trust in us, self-esteem and our actions.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel that we can handle anything, self-esteem, a strong charisma and safe decision making.

If it is unbalanced, we feel a difficulty keeping on task or a need to control everything and everyone.

Some symptoms that are related to an imbalance of this chakra such as : digestive problems lack of appetite or memory …

At the psycho-emotional level : anxiety, disorganization, low self-esteem, insecurity, we believe that we are worthless or that we are invaded by a feeling of failure …

Balancing of the Sacral Chakra





This chakra is linked to sexuality, desire, joy, sexual impulse, emotions and sensuality.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel comfortable in our skin, we accept our emotions, we express our creativity, we are open to the world around us, in harmony with our emotional desires and needs.

If it is unbalanced, we feel bored or apathetic, we avoid change and we have low libido…

Some symptoms that are related to an imbalance of this chakra such as : urinary problems, increased allergic reactions, painful menstruations or pain in the lower back …

On the psycho-emotional level : co-dependence, excessive focus on pleasure, emotional instability, blocks of our creativity, feeling unloved…

Basal or coccygeal chakra balancing





This chakra is linked to a sense of stability, belonging to a place, security and survival.

When it is balanced the mind is calm and we feel anchored in reality, we trust.

If it is unbalanced, we feel disconnected from our work, family and our true self…

Some symptoms that are related to an imbalance of this chakra such as : cold extremities, poor circulation, low energy levels and the continuous presence of fatigue …

On the psycho-emotional level : arrogance, greed, anxiety, panic, uncertainty, hypochondria or even some paranoia…

SEE TOO : Quantum technologyFormationChakraBioenergetic nutritionCellular nutritionTuning and synchronization of fields


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