Consciousness Medicine

23 May, 2022

“We can transform our past”

The medicine of consciousness is the art of taking responsibility for our life and discovering how we can transform it.

If we think that the past no longer exists, it is a mistake. The past is present in cellular memory and can produce suffering in the present.

It is only by accepting our past that we will be able to transform it, mainly to modify the negative programming received. First, we must deprogram our thoughts, perception, feelings, desires and limiting beliefs that we have received from the outside, transform them into pure and unlimited thoughts, perceptions, feelings and desires, for example: into thought of unconditional love. When we have manifested it in this way, our childhood wounds heal. And there we enter into a process of self-healing.

Over the generations, humanity has accumulated a lot of pains, some beings have adapted to this pain, it has become everyday, they think it is normal to suffer. Others want to get out of this suffering and are looking for solutions, like Siddhartha Gautama or the Buddha (the Awakened One).

Adversity will come! The only insurance we can have, it is not against them, it is against unconsciousness. There is only one insurance, that is consciousness.

In consciousness medicine breathing is very important

For what? Because when we breathe consciously, the unconscious and subconscious come to the surface.

At that moment, the unconscious brings to consciousness a part to which we had not had access, of which we were victims but which we had never recognized in life, and at that moment we can dialogue with the subconscious and free ourselves from our deepest wounds. When we do this, we go further, this is how we generate self-healing.

Stiffness comes from resentment, hatred and usually lodges in the joints. The joint pain we feel is a negative resentment frozen in this part of the body.

If we feel pain, let us understand that it is associated with a feeling of anger, with a negative and painful resentment, which carries our solar plexus. This charge blocks the energy here and thus does not allow it to flow freely. Let’s make sure that this energy and also our blood circulate freely, in this way we can free ourselves from it.

The medicine of consciousness generated by the plant anadenanthera peregrina helps us as:


  • Accelerates nervous system activity
  • Activates brain modulation through several neurological pathways, such as the autonomic nervous system, hypothalamus, prefrontal cortex, cingulate cortex, caudate nucleus and limbic system among others
  • Allows a communion with God, to establish deep dialogues with people who are in the same process, to see the true face of who we are, to see unconditionality on the one hand and limitations on the other hand, to appreciate reality.
  • Balance the mind
  • Change unhealthy habits such as (poor diet, depression, stress)
  • Cleanses the body
  • Confront the ego or small self
  • Connect spiritually
  • Decalcifies the pineal gland
  • Detoxifies the body from drugs
  • Develops the consciousness of unity, understanding, gratitude, altruism, confidence, self-control, courage, devotion, accuracy, generosity, purity, serenity, sympathy and also the liveliness of the spirit
  • Eliminates parasites and bile toxins
  • Expand consciousness
  • Fights chronic fatigue, inflammation and cough
  • Focus on personal goals
  • Helps expectorate
  • Immerse yourself in an immeasurable feeling of gratitude as well as understanding
  • Improves mood, muscle and mental relaxation
  • Induces a modified state of consciousness, changes in perception, sensations, mood, consciousness, psychological as well as behavior
  • Momentarily break the masks and characters you play in daily life so you can see the true face of who you are, leave the masks and so characters with whom we identify in the day to day
  • Opens up new spaces or perspectives, to the understanding of duality and also the third eye in the light of spiritual dimensions.
  • Prevents lung infections
  • Produces an organic clean and also a spiritual connection
  • Regenerates the bone marrow
  • Releases from self-limiting beliefs, opioids such as enkephalin, beta endorphin, dynorphins, serotonin receptors and interfering with glutamate, gaba and dopamine
  • Restructure thinking
  • Revitalizes the body
  • Stimulates the meridian of the heart, placental abruption, mood, central nervous system such as psychic
  • Supports in the process of discovering oneself, others and life from the consciousness of love
  • Unlock energy channels



  • Accumulation of blood or other body fluid
  • Asthma
  • Blow or strong ligature
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Epidemics
  • Excessive discharge of genital mucus
  • Expectoration
  • Hepatitis
  • Herpes
  • High fever
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, vagina, urinary tract, genitals and also lungs
  • Patch of skin, purple blue
  • Phlegm
  • Severe pain in the affected side of the chest
  • Sexually transmitted infectious disease
  • Ulcers
  • Viral or bacterial infection
  • Whitish genital discharge


  • Adherence to preconceived ideas, prejudices
  • Anxiety
  • Attention deficit
  • Compulsive obsessions
  • Deficiency of intuition and extrasensory perception
  • Depressive hot flashes
  • Extreme attachment to material things as well as to physical pleasures
  • Hypersensitivity to the feelings of others
  • Inability to distinguish the false ego from the higher Self
  • Incomprehension of duality
  • Inferiority complex
  • Lack of personality, of interest to cultures, knowledge, science and also curiosity
  • Misfortunes
  • Panic attacks
  • Personality disorder
  • Phobias
  • Rational mind to excess
  • Rejection of spirituality
  • Spiritual disconnection
  • Tendency to invest yourself at work

We share the medicine of consciousness in different parts of the world

Our website: CAUCE Holistic Center

Read also this article: Ancestral medicine