
The services we offer at Centro Cauce are designed to improve health and quality of life.

The services in Centro Cauce are mainly linked to Ancestral Medicine such as: Naturopathy – Cellular and Bioenergetic Nutrition  – Meditation – Music Therapy – Ceremonies (liberation, cleansing or detoxification, spiritual connection, holistic healing …) – Personalized Aromatherapy – Osteopathy – Reflexology – Massages – Personal development – Professional training – Courses…

Also, discover each one by visiting our website.

Before receiving a service at Centro Cauce, it is important for us to get to know you better, understand your needs, discover the aspirations or goals of your life. That is why we have designed an anamnesis or a check-up, adapted to our therapeutic work, to serve you better.

Durga & Ananda

Who are we?

First, we are dedicated to Knowledge, Health, The Development of Being, Quality of Life and Inner Peace through natural and ancestral practices.

Second, our Mission

Mainly, it is to offer a pedagogical or educational program in the domain of ancestral Medicine.

Third, our Vision

It turns therefore towards the development of the health, prosperity, dignity and inner peace of each one who trusts in us; because we know that when a person possesses health, he acquires the possibility to prosper, to live a life with dignity and peacefulness.

Then, our Commitment

Thus, in Centro CAUCE we are committed to each Person who visits us, with their inner growth to reach their greatest potential.

Finally, our Program

It is designed to develop health and quality of life.

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