Cellular nutrition of bones

27 February, 2022

The cellular nutrition of the bones helps them regenerate and move better. It also supports the body in general.

Thus, bones are living tissues that are constantly regenerated during life. During childhood and adolescence, the body adds new bone faster than the old one removes, but after 20 years, the opposite is happening.

To have strong bones in youth and prevent bone loss in the future, we need to get enough calcium and vitamin D, in addition to exercising. We should also avoid smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol.

In addition, bone diseases can facilitate fractures. These diseases include:

  • Low bone density and osteoporosis that weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures.
  • Osteogenesis imperfecta that makes bones brittle and brittle.
  • Paget’s bone disease that weakens bones.
  • Cancer and infection.

There are also other bone diseases that are caused by poor nutrition, genetic factors, and problems with growth rate or bone regeneration.

Solution in case of some skeleton problems

Cellular nutrition for bones

Arthritis (osteoarticular)

Detoxification Program


  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)
  • Restoriix a day on an empty stomach (1 measure daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Magnical-D (1 capsule daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules daily)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Psoriatic arthritis

Detoxification Program


  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)
  • Restoriix a day on an empty stomach (1 measure daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Magnical-D (1 capsule daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)


Detoxification Program


  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Elite (1 sachet daily)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)
  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules daily)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • Temana Noni and collagen per day (1 bottle daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Joint pain

Detoxification Program


  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)
  • Restoriix a day on an empty stomach (1 measure daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Elite (1 sachet daily)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)
  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Pain in the hands and feet

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Magnical-D (1 capsule daily)

Paget’s disease (destruction of bone)

Detoxification Program


  • 1 Probiotiix – 1 or 2 hours after or before the meal
  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)
  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Failure of platelet production in the bone marrow

Detoxification Program


  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules daily)

Fractures or cracks

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)
  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal (4 capsules daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Fragile bones

Detoxification Program


  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)
  • Restoriix a day on an empty stomach (1 measure daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Elite (1 sachet daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal (4 capsules daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Poor absorption of calcium

Detoxification Program


  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)
  • Restoriix a day on an empty stomach (1 measure daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Elite (1 sachet daily)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)

Female osteoporosis

Detoxification Program


  • 1 Probiotiix – 1 or 2 hours after or before the meal
  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)
  • Restoriix a day on an empty stomach (1 measure daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Elite (1 sachet daily)
  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal (4 capsules daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Male osteoporosis

Detoxification Program


  • 1 Probiotiix – 1 or 2 hours after or before the meal
  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)
  • Restoriix a day on an empty stomach (1 measure daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Elite (1 sachet daily)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)
  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Bone loss

Detoxification Program


  • 1 Probiotiix – 1 or 2 hours after or before the meal
  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)
  • Restoriix a day on an empty stomach (1 measure daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • Magnical-D (2 capsules daily)

Rheumatoid polyarthritis

Detoxification Program


  • Giving Greens (3 measures daily)

Revitalization and stabilization programme


  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Elite (1 sachet daily)
  • Magnical-D (1 capsule daily)
  • MOA (2 sachets daily)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules daily)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules daily)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 daily)
  • Vináli (2 capsules daily)

Also, you can find all these cellular nutrition products for the bones in our online boutique or in the Sarasvatî store, at this address: Calle Virgen 3660, la calma Zapopan Jalisco 45070 Mexico

WhatsApp : 33 1977 5927

We also ship in different Pays around the world.