Basic cellular nutrition for athletes

4 April, 2022

Vital importance of eating assimilable proteins (low molecular weight) in athletes

In this article we will discover important information about the proteins needed on a daily basis if we are an athlete. When we increase our level of physical activity or if we prolong its duration, our nutrient needs are increased. Our body needs more energy to function while it has to perform a series of additional tasks if it needs to rebuild and repair itself. Hence the importance of Basic Cellular Nutrition for athletes.

Protein plays a fundamental role if we do sports or intense physical activity

They are essential to repair small fibrillary breaks in the muscle if they are present during sports practice. Provide the substrate if we want good physical performance and good adaptation. It is a structural molecule that is assembled from amino acids, many of which cannot be produced by the body.

If we select Powerboost and Purenourish for their richness in proteins of the best quality and their essential amino acids we will have everything the body needs.

The right adjustment of our protein needs is important:

  • In order to generate anabolism (if the goal is muscle building).
  • After sports practice if we want our body to have a better recovery.
  • For an adequate adaptation if we want to recover faster.

Program 1 of a Basic Cellular Nutrition Menu if we are a professional athlete

If we weigh 70 kg of body weight and train regularly for triathlon, we will need 84-112 g of protein daily.

Breakfast 1 : Purenourish (2 servings) = (36g of protein) + 10g of pumpkin seeds = (3g of protein)

Breakfast 2 (late morning): Purenourish (2 servings) = (36g protein) + Powerboost (1 serving) = (3g protein) + 5 g raw almonds (1 g protein)

Lunch : 25g tempeh (5g protein) + Purenourish (1 serving) = (18g protein) + Giving Greens (1 serving) = (1g protein) + 5g spirulina = (8g protein)

Dinner : Giving Greens (1 serving) = (1g of protein)

Let be a daily total of protein = 112 grams

Program 2 of a basic cellular nutrition menu if we are an occasional athlete

If we are going to run 5 times a week and we weigh 50 kg, we will need between 60 and 80 g of protein per day.

Breakfast 1 : Purenourish (1 serving) = (18g of protein) + 10g of pumpkin seeds = (3g of protein)

Breakfast 2 (late morning): Purenourish (1 serving) = (18g protein) + Powerboost (1 serving) = (3g protein) + 5 g raw almonds (1 g protein)

Lunch : 25g tempeh (5g protein) + Purenourish (1 serving) = (18g protein) + Giving Greens (1 serving) = (1g protein) + 5g spirulina = (8g protein)

Dinner : Giving Greens (1 serving) = (1g of protein)

Let be a daily total of protein = 76 grams

Protein richness of certain foods

Amount of protein per 100 grams

  • Spirulina algae: 60 g
  • Purenourish: 55 g
  • Nutritional yeast: 51 g
  • Nori algae: 35 g
  • Pumpkin seeds: 30 g
  • Sea lettuce: 27 g
  • Kombu seaweed: 25 g
  • Canned sardine: 25 g
  • Raw almonds: 21 g
  • Soy tempeh: 20 g
  • Sprouted chickpeas: 20 g
  • Peanut: 20 g
  • Green algae: 20 g
  • Various white fish: 19 g
  • Sesame: 17 g
  • Oats: 17 g
  • Chía: 17
  • Oatmeal: 17 g
  • Quinoa: 15 g
  • Eggs: 13 g
  • Maca: 11 g
  • Hiziki algae: 10g
  • Cooked black beans: 9 g
  • Cooked Azuki beans: 9 g

Basic cellular nutrition if we are an athlete

Purenourish (Basic cellular nutrition if we are an athlete)

Food supplement designed if we want to improve our digestion and optimize the absorption of nutrients. Combination of 15 essential vitamins and minerals + 18 grams of high-quality vegetable protein, per serving, + a mixture of probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes + 25% of the recommended daily fiber ration and only 116 calories.

Amount of main ingredients if we use 1 serving

Pea protein

Combination of vitamins and minerals [400 μg vitamin A (as beta-carotene), 30 mg of fat-soluble vitamin C (as calcium ascorbate), 10 μg of vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol), 20 mg of vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl acetate), 1 mg of thiamine B1 (as thiamine hydrochloride),  1 mg riboflavin B2, 10 mg niacin B3 (as niacinamide), 1 mg vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride), 150 μg biotin B8, 5 mg pantothenic acid B5 (as calcium d-pantothenate), 40 mg as calcium ascorbate, calcium phosphate, calcium d-pantothenate),  38 μg iodine (as potassium iodide), 40 mg magnesium (magnesium amino acid chelate), 3.8 mg zinc (as zinc gluconate), 31 μg chromium (as chromium picolinate)).

Digestion support mixture (prebiotics (Lactobacillus plantarum), probiotics (fructooligosaccharide), enzymes (alpha-amylase, neutral protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase)].

DHA omega 3 (docosahexaenoic acid).

Giving Greens (Basic Cellular Nutrition if we are an athlete)

Nutritious mixture in totally vegetable powder if we want to prepare a drink that facilitates the supply of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals for the body.

Main ingredients

Each serving contains 1 gram of high-quality vegetable protein. This high-quality food contains: highly nutritious sprouted seeds, a 15 mg enzyme system (amylase, protease, gluco-amylase, lipase, cellulase) combined with 60 mg of probiotics (Bifidobacterium breve and Lactobacillius plantarum) and a mixture of enzyme-rich super-fruits (75 mg cranberry berries, 25 mg açaí berries, 100 mg goji berries).  This mixture provides our body with essential nutrients if we want to:

  • Support the immune system, cardiovascular health
  • Fighting free radicals
  • Facilitate digestion.

Giving Greens also contains: spinach, broccoli, carrot, tomato, beets, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, kale, asparagus, green pepper, cauliflower, parsley, coconut juice powder, 150 mg of broccoli sprout, 550 mg of alfalfa, 100 mg of chlorella algae (with the cell wall open, in order to be assimilated), 10 mg of stevia leaf powder,  50 mg of cinnamon bark powder for optimal nutrition.

If we consume 1 serving, we will provide our body with 450 grams of this mixture.

How much protein should we eat if we exercise regularly?

It is very important to have a varied and balanced diet both in terms of macro and micro nutrients. (If we read this article we will know more about bioenergetic nutrition).

If we practice a high-performance sport, we need to know what our total energy expenditure is and adapt our diet accordingly. Otherwise, we expose ourselves to having our performance reduced. But also, we risk gaining or losing weight, even if it is not what we are looking for and also increase our chances of suffering injuries.

According to the daily reference intakes :

If we are sedentary, we need per day, on average, 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight.

  • If we are active, we will clearly see our protein needs increase. For example: if we exercise four or more times a week, our daily needs can vary from 1.2 to 2.0 g per kg of body weight.
  • On the other hand, if we practice a sport of strength and power, our protein needs are generally concentrated at: 1.6 to 2.0 g per kg of weight.
  • On the other hand, if we practice an endurance sport, our reference needs are at the lower threshold: 1.2 to 1.6 g/kg of weight.

These recommendations proposed by the International Society of Sports Nutrition (I.S.S.N.) are generally appropriate to meet the needs of the vast majority of sports contexts.

Let us remember, that with increased intensities of exercise, our body needs more protein, if we want to repair its tissues. If these requirements are not met, we will suffer from what is called muscle catabolism (destruction of muscle) without being able to later perform the corresponding anabolism phase (muscle building).  In this case, we risk weakening it and not improving our sports practice.

For example : If we weigh 70 kg of body weight that we train regularly for triathlon, we will need 84 to 112 g of protein / daily.

In the case, if we run 5 times a week and weigh 50 kg, our needs vary between 60 and 80 g of protein per day.

Frequency and volume of protein intake for an athlete

As for the most recent recommendations, it is important to make several daily protein intakes. Ideally, if we follow this program, the protein doses should be distributed evenly, every 3 or 4 hours, throughout the day. For example: 07:00 – 10:00 – 14:00 – 17:00 – 20:00.  If we want to maximize muscle protein synthesis, the recommendations for optimal protein intake, at the athletic level, depend on the age and the activity performed.

Ideally, if we opt for protein intake, we should contain a balanced matrix of all essential amino acids coupled with a higher relative leucine content to stimulate the organic mechanics of protein production.

Powerboost (Basic Cellular Nutrition If We Are an Athlete)

This nutritional product is fundamental, if we want to promote our muscle mass. Also contains cocoa beans, appreciated not only for their wonderful taste, but also if we need antioxidants and cardiovascular support. It also contains coconut oil to provide a rich source of energy.

Main ingredients

Combination of branched-chain amino acids (L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine), L-glutamine, medium-chain triglycerides, cocoa theobroma powder, Dutch (alkalized) cocoa  powder, coconut sugar, coconut lick powder, natural vanilla sabor, sunflower lecithin, stevia leaves, Luo Han Guo or monje fruit, guar goma, sodium cloride.

What is glutamine?

L-glutamine is an amino acid that is very abundant in blood plasma and muscles. It is classified as a non-essential amino acid since the human body can synthesize it mainly, from other substances present in the skeletal muscles, lungs and brain. However, different studies seem to show that, if we consume Powerboost, we will get more benefits. If the concentration of L-glutamine in the blood is about 600-700 mmol; however, during catabolic states, if we suffer from: infections, surgery, trauma, physical exercise and other states of metabolic acidosis, our needs may be greatly increased, our own homeostasis may be impaired, which slows down our glutamine reserves.

During prolonged efforts (for example, marathon)

And / or if we have to face a high intensity, blood levels of glutamine increase significantly, to subsequently undergo significant decreases during the recovery period, taking several hours or days to recover the existing levels before exercise.

From a sporting point of view, this amino acid has four interesting functions :

  1. If we want to increase our muscle glycogen reserve, L-glutamine can be used as an energy substrate for ATP resynthesis.
  2. On ammonia, which is a compound produced by intestinal bacteria and cells of the body, mainly if, they trigger the process of protein transformation.  If we want this degradation substance to be carried to the liver, it is converted into urea and glutamine. Then this urea is transported through our blood to the kidneys in order to be excreted in the urine.  If the “urea cycle” does not work properly, the concentration of ammonia in the blood can increase and thus affect the brain “hepatic encephalopathy”. This state leads to symptoms such as: confusion, disorientation, loss of sleep …
  3. An adequate plasma concentration of glutamine allows a proper functioning of the immune system.
  4. Decrease intestinal permeability, as much of the circulating glutamine is used by the cells of the small intestine.

Glutamine has no direct ergogenic effect on sports performance

As is the case with other supplements based on carbohydrates, caffeine, creatine, etc., but if we have a plasma deficit, this can lead to functional alterations with damage to health and, consequently, sports performance.

Based on what we have read so far, we can say that it is a nutraceutical focused on high-performance activities, if we are in a sustained, extreme, fast situation, we need endurance and if we regularly have intense training.

How to take glutamine?

Glutamine is a nutraceutical found in Powerboost.

Some professional protocols indicate that it should be taken 1 hour before, during and after training, if we want to curb protein catabolism and contribute to muscle anabolism. Therefore, if we use it periodically, when there are high catabolic requirements such as the beginning of the sports season, and in the sections from which we accumulate high workloads, due to training and / or the inter-competitive season; we will have good support!

In fact, if we consume several doses of Powerboost on a daily basis, we must divide them over the whole day. In this way, if we perform resistance activities (> 2.5 hours), it is recommended to take, at least, one dose during physical activity and another after exercise. If we practice high-intensity sport, we recommend consuming it before and after physical activity.

What is valine?

Valine is an essential amino acid that, along with leucine and isoleucine, forms the group of branched amino acids. It is one of the twenty amino acids that cells use to synthesize proteins.

It is involved in the formation of muscle tissue, promotes a positive nitrogen balance, intervenes in muscle metabolism and tissue repair. We can also consume PowerBoost if we want to produce muscle energy during physical activity.

Similarly, we will:

  • Helping to maintain mental health
  • Promote sleep
  • Intervene in the synthesis of certain endogenous opiates
  • Maintain the balance of blood sugar levels.
  • Protecting our nervous system

What is it used for?

We must remember that it is an essential amino acid.

Through Powerboost, valine:

  • Increases muscle protein synthesis
  • Decreases the breakdown of muscle tissue
  • Also promotes healing of trauma and wounds
  • Protects muscle mass…

In certain pathological situations

Powerboost may be advised, for example if we have: liver and gallbladder conditions such as liver congestion, cirrhosis, fatty liver disease, jaundice, bile congestion and cholelithiasis.

In part, its metabolism does not involve liver tissue and can be used directly by muscle, as an energy substrate or for protein synthesis.

Is also beneficial during disorders of the nervous system, if we have these symptoms: anxiety, anxiety, depression, insomnia, agitation or stress …

Highly recommended if we have: post-traumatic muscle atrophy and diabetes.

What is isoleucine?

Isoleucine is one of the twenty amino acids that cells use to synthesize proteins. Isoleucine is an essential amino acid that, along with leucine and valine, forms the group of branched amino acids. Its chemical composition is almost identical to that of leucine but with different properties since its side chain is non-polar.

The isoleucine present in PowerBoost:

  • Helps in the formation of muscle tissue
  • Is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin
  • Promotes recovery after exercise
  • Participates in the balance of positive nitrogen

What is it used for?

As a nutraceutical, isoleucine reduces the breakdown of muscle tissue, if we want to increase muscle protein synthesis.

Isoleucine has the ability to promote the entry of nutrients into cells (insulin-like action), has a ketogenic ability, if we want to replace glucose during periods of prolonged fasting.

Is mainly recommended, if we suffer from this:

  • Muscle atrophy : prevents muscle atrophy caused by immobilization.
  • Diabetes : helps maintain the balance of blood sugar levels.
  • Viral and bacterial infections.
  • Liver damage.
  • Trauma and injuries.
  • Mental disorders : anxiety, anxiety, depression, nervous personality disorders since it collaborates in the synthesis of certain endogenous opiates.
  • Thrombosis : it is indicated in case of clot formation in the blood vessels or in the heart.

What is leucine?

Leucine or more often called L-Leucine, is an amino acid that belongs to the family of essential amino acids, that is, amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body. If we want to benefit from it, we can either bring it by power or better by PowerBoost. Together with isoleucine and valine, they form the group of so-called branched amino acids and are one of the twenty amino acids used by cells if we want to synthesize proteins. The natural ratio of branched-chain amino acids in proteins is 2:1:1 (leucine: isoleucine: valine).

PowerBoost leucine is useful to us, if we want to:

  • Control blood sugar by stimulating protein synthesis
  • Promote the absorption of nutrients in the muscle cell
  • Participate in the muscle growth process
  • Receive its benefits as a precursor of alanine and glutamine.

An interesting feature of leucine is that it can be oxidized directly in the muscle, for energy, if glucose is not available. It is for this reason that, if it is not present, plasma levels of branched-chain amino acids may decrease during and after exercise. If we practice a sport like: running, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, dancing and all the physical activities that speed up the heart rate, raise blood pressure and increase body temperature, leucine levels are reduced by 11 to 30%. But, if we practice a sport like: series of push-ups, dumbbells, abdominals or resistance band, leucine levels are reduced by 5 to 8% and even by 30% if it is strength exercises.

In addition, in adipose and muscle tissue, if we wish to use it for the formation of sterols (regulatory, structural and hormonal functions), because its consumption in these two tissues is much higher than in the liver.

Leucine and protein synthesis


  • Prevents the destruction of proteins
  • Stimulates their synthesis
  • Regulates their initiation process of adaptation
  • Activates enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to hydroxyl (group –OH) side chains of amino acids.

Part of the activity attributed to leucine is due to the action of a derived metabolite, β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate. About 5% of leucine is converted to β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate.

During physical activity

The consumption of branched amino acids (oxidation) is increased because protein structures are destroyed. If we have a reduction in plasma leucine, it will also lower protein synthesis. Thus, if we increase leucine levels, we stimulate protein synthesis and muscle recovery.

Muscles are constantly subject to the breakdown of their proteins. If we want to maintain our muscles, we need to support muscle protein synthesis.

When protein synthesis is greater than degradation, muscle growth is achieved, while if muscle breakdown is greater than protein synthesis, there is loss of muscle mass.

Thanks to the contribution of Powerboost

Protein synthesis is increased and although there is also some protein degradation, but in the end the result is a positive balance.

If we regularly practice periods of fasting

The synthesis of our proteins may decrease by 15 to 30%. In the end, this results in a markedly negative result, which leads to a significant loss of body protein. This situation is maintained if we do not sufficiently stimulate the synthesis of our proteins, as a supply of energy and amino acids, hence the importance of PowerBoost in this case.

Very important

If we practice endurance sport, protein synthesis is reduced and their degradation is significantly increased, generating great muscle loss. It is a state of health that may be due to a diet not adapted to the current activity, especially if we have a protein deficiency. If we are in this case, we may experience the following symptoms: muscle pain, great fatigue and severe sleep disorders.  And this until our body receives enough energy and protein.

Another case

If we practice strength exercises, our body also produces a large percentage of protein destruction. However, although in strength exercises the muscle loss of protein is higher, protein synthesis is also greater. After training with loads (weight), protein synthesis is significantly increased if PowerBoost is consumed.

What is leucine used for in PowerBoost?

Ensuring a correct nutritional status

Powerboost brings different benefits such as if we wish: to maintain a balanced nutritional status and better health, its contribution as a nutritional supplement ensures that leucine needs are covered.

Sports performance and muscle mass gains

If we consume Powerboost before, during and after exercise, this action will mitigate muscle destruction and also stimulate protein synthesis.

The ingestion of Powerboost is important if we practice these exercises: jogging, swimming, cycling, cardio, kickboxing, or our body produces energy with the use of oxygen, which will reduce muscle destruction and delay the emptying of glycogen reserves. If we are tired, it is caused by different mechanisms such as:

  • Increased muscle acidity (accumulation of protons), free tryptophan – branched-chain amino acid ratio -.
  • Decreased phospho-creatine levels
  • Emptying of glycogen deposits

If we supplement with Powerboost, we will act on glycogen stores and tryptophan ratio, improving our performance and our ability to concentrate during exercise.

Consuming PowerBoost after a sports effort

If we want to improve our adaptation to strength training.

But also, if we want to reach a maximum potential for synthesis and recovery of our proteins.

This basic cellular nutrition product, if we combine it with proper training: we will increase our muscle mass, strength and reduce our body fat.

If we want to consume PowerBoost, this is a good decision, which will allow us to:

  • Promote resynthesis, but also, if we want glycogen recovery
  • Maintain our muscle mass
  • Allow a better recovery of muscle and body energy deposits
  • Prevent muscle atrophy, decreased strength, but also, if we want to raise our testosterone levels that can occur as a result of overtraining.
  • Reduce the pain caused by eccentric training where we push our muscles to exceed their normal point of failure, thus allowing us to lift more weight, but also if we want to achieve our desired goals in strength and muscle size.

The ability of Powerboost as defenders of muscle proteins is useful, if we want the prevention of the loss of muscle mass, but also during periods of definition, weight loss processes or during forced immobilizations such as injury or recovery after surgery.

Another important point

If we age our leucine levels are altered and this causes an imbalance between the production and destruction of muscle proteins. Reason why, if we have a significant loss of muscle mass, it produces (sarcopenia or progressive, generalized disease of skeletal muscle, characterized by a decrease in strength and muscle mass or physical performance).

Basic Cellular Nutrition for athletes is effective if we want to prevent the destruction of muscle proteins and protect their mass that is lost with age.

Specific program if we have these problems

Absorption of nutrients in muscle cells

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 1 Probiotiix – 1 or 2 hours later
  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • PureNourish (1 dose every 3 or 4 hours each day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)

Metabolic acidosis

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (1 scoop per day)

Adaptation to force training

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Original Tahitian Noni
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Post-traumatic muscle atrophy

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)

Fibrillar breaks in the muscle

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Powerboost (1 scoop per day)
  • PureNourish (1 dose every 3 or 4 hours each day)


We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Muscle tear

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules per day)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • PureNourish (1 dose every 3 or 4 hours each day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Muscle degeneration or degradation

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (2 scoops per day)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules per day)
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • PureNourish (1 dose every 3 or 4 hours each day)
  • Renew (1 sachet every day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)

Excessive destruction of muscle proteins

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)

Decreased muscle strength or physical performance

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-M (4 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (6 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (1 scoop per day)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • PureNourish (3 to 5 scoops per day depending on the activity)
  • Renew (1 sachet every day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Muscle distension or elongation

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Magnical-D (1 capsule per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules per day)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • PureNourish (1 dose every 3 or 4 hours each day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Muscle and joint pain

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Elite (1 sachet per day)
  • Magnical-D (1 capsule per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Dystrophy or muscle atrophy

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Excess of ammonic acid

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)

Extreme fatigue

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 1 Probiotiix – 1 or 2 hours later
  • Elite (1 sachet per day)
  • Giving Greens (2 scoops per day)
  • Magnical-D (1 capsule per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • Rejuveniix (4 capsules per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Forced immobilization

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)

Muscle inflammation

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-M (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (4 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (1 scoop per day)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Lack of testosterone

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

Elite (1 sachet per day)

Weak or lean muscles

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules per day)
  • MOA (2 sachets per day)
  • Omega3+Q10 (2 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-M (4 capsules per day)
  • Optimal-V (6 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (1 scoop per day)
  • Poweriix (2 capsules x 2 per day)
  • PureNourish (3 to 5 scoops per day depending on the activity)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)
  • Vináli (2 capsules per day)

Loss of tissue or muscle mass

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (2 scoops per day)
  • Magnical-D (2 capsules per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • PureNourish (3 to 5 scoops per day depending on the activity)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)

Muscle and body recovery

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Elite (1 sachet per day)
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)

Low glycogen reserve

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)

Muscle protein synthesis

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)

Trauma, wounds, injuries

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • 60 ml Tahitian noni max
  • Giving Greens (3 measures per day)
  • Noni and collagen (1 bottle per day)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)
  • Restoriix on an empty stomach (1 daily dose)

Sleep disorders

We can use this basic cellular nutrition for athletes, if we want to solve the imbalance:

  • Noni sleep (1 bottle per day before sleeping)
  • Powerboost (2 scoops per day)


SEE ALSO THE PAGES: Bioenergetic Nutrition  and Cellular Nutrition