
15 May, 2022

Pure, protein-rich nutrition

PureNourish developed by NewAge is a food supplement designed to improve digestion and optimize the absorption of nutrients.

Each dose combines 14 essential vitamins and minerals with high-quality protein, natural enzymes and 28% of the recommended daily fiber in a nutritious shake.

The use of pea protein, rather than animal protein, improves digestion and promotes optimal absorption of nutrients.

Ministry of Health officials agree that diet is a crucial factor for good health. But fast food around every corner, with the ever-present appeal of fast, nutrient-poor calories, opting for nutritious, natural, health-friendly snacks is a wise challenge.

Mother Nature Protein

PureNourish is a food supplement designed to fill this nutritional gap in a delicious and simple way. Each serving combines 18 grams of high-quality protein, natural enzymes, fibers, vitamins, and key minerals into a good, nutritious dietary supplement shake. It also contains probiotics and prebiotics to help maintain good gut health.

Rich in nutrients without excess calories

Diets tend to fail to focus on reducing caloric intake while consuming foods of low nutritional value. PureNourish has more nutrients per calorie than similar products, but it has no empty sugars, which reduces calorie intake without sacrificing daily nutritional needs. Instead of sucrose, xylitol is used as a sweetener derived from Luo han Guo fruit, whose natural sweetness contains fewer calories and is excellent for low-glycemic diets.

Naturally allergen-free

Unlike most smoothies, PureNourish is completely free of soy, preservatives, dairy, genetically modified organisms, and wheat, making it safe for many people who have intolerances to these ingredients. This means that almost anyone can incorporate it into their diet.




Halfway between vegetables and legumes, peas are fresh vegetables that can be taken raw and contain a high concentration of vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. Although we have already advanced its main nutritional values, if we delve into the many properties of peas we find:

Vitamins in abundance

With 150 g, two thirds of the daily needs of vitamins C and K and almost 10% of vitamin A are covered. 200 grams of peas cover two-thirds of the recommended daily allowance.

Important minerals

As for minerals, 150 g completes a quarter of the iron needs, the fifth of those of phosphorus and the sixth of those of magnesium. However, to ensure absorption it is advisable to combine them with the intake of vitamin C: for example, with tomato or pepper.


Being a legume, it contains a protein index three or four times higher than that of fresh vegetables. Its proportion almost reaches 6%, higher than that of green beans (2.4%),because these are eaten with the pod, and lower than that of dried legumes, which are around 20%. Lysine stands out, an amino acid that complements well with those of cereals such as rice or pasta and those of nuts, which provide methionine, cysteine and tryptophan. When they are dry, they reach 23%.


The pea is also one of the legumes with more contribution of carbohydrates, specifically soluble sugars. This happens especially in freshly picked fresh peas, because over time, soluble sugars are transformed into starch. It is one of the reasons why frozen ones are often sweeter and more pleasant to the palate than fresh ones, if they are not freshly picked; it also explains why they are lighter and more digestive than other legumes such as lentils or chickpeas, since they are simple sugars.


Being rich in soluble fiber, peas favor the reduction of cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels.

Improve mood

Consuming peas helps to cope with spring asthenia, because they are very revitalizing and allow you to maintain a more positive mood. Its healthy effects are not appreciated only in the cellular tissues of the neural system, but in the smoothness of hair, skin and nails. That is, the benefits of peas are noticeable both inside and out.

Promote development and regeneration

Due to the abundance of protein, tender peas are especially suitable in times of growth, gestation, childhood and adolescence, and for cell renewal in adults.

Prevent anemia

On the other hand, 100 grams of peas cover 10% of the iron needs in women and one sixth in men. Thanks to its high index of vitamin C and folic acid, its absorption is facilitated, so that they are a prevention against anemias.

Suitable for diabetics

Despite their sweetness, peas are very suitable for diabetic people because of their richness in pectin, a soluble fiber that reduces the rate of digestion and favors a gradual absorption of glucose, which benefits the pancreas and the production of insulin. Other hypo-glycemic components present are ascorbic and salicylic acids and the oligo-elements chromium and manganese.

Regular consumption of peas helps control cholesterol. Another effect of this soluble fiber is that it reduces the absorption of LDL cholesterol and saturated fats that form atheromatous plaques in the arteries. Peas are vasodilators, an important prevention for cardiovascular health. On the other hand, its insoluble fiber acts against constipation and prevents the accumulation of potentially carcinogenic substances, facilitating evacuation. But being less rough than in other legumes, peas do not cause heavy digestions.


Our body uses the proteins in blueberries to build the tissues that make up our muscles. These proteins are also useful and necessary to maintain our muscles since without an adequate supply of proteins, such as those provided by the consumption of blueberries, our muscle mass would weaken and gradually reduce.

The proteins of blueberries are broken down into amino acids in our body for assimilation.

The proteins that the body synthesizes, in addition to being useful for the creation of new muscle mass, also intervene in physiological functions without which our body could not survive.

You can buy this product in our  online store or order it directly with us according to the country where you live.

LEARN MORE : Cellular nutrition