
8 September, 2022

Dryness is a Yin deficient, indicating that organic liquids are consumed. Caused by excess heat or perverse wind.

It can come from the outside or the inside.


Dehydrates, dries, consumes organic liquids and Yin.

Can be understood as an insufficiency of moisture.

Mainly affects the skin and mucous membranes. It mainly injures the lungs and in the long term can affect the kidneys.

Symptoms of external dryness

  • Brittle, dry fine hair
  • Dry and cracked skin, cough, eyes, stools
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Mouth, nose, dry throat

Main causes of external dryness

  • Dry wind that attacks the lungs
  • Exposure to air conditioning, heating or dry weather
  • Predominates in autumn

Treatment of external dryness

Moisturize, nourish Yin

Quantum accessory


P7R6V43V13 : to nourish the Yin

P10IG18 : in case of chronic cough and aphonia

P11P9P7 : for the throat

V12VB20VG14 : to release the surface

Therapeutic nutrition

Raw foods, sprouts, fresh fruits in general, juices, smoothies, raw vegetables, fermented, fast sautéed, steamed, quick blanched, pickled.


Raw algae, microalgae such as spirulina or chlorella, celery, cucumber, sprouts, green leaves, mushrooms, pickles or fast fermented, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, eggplant, pepper, beetroot, radish, turnip, asparagus, pea, artichoke, potatoes …


Melon, watermelon, banana, kiwi, lemon, grapefruit, strawberries, blackberries, avocado, pear, tomato, mandarin, peach, papaya, orange, fig, pineapple, mango, coconut, like tropical fruits…


Barley, quinoa, corn, polenta, basmati rice, wheat, amaranth …


Fresh tofu, mung beans, yellow soybeans, raw or steamed tempeh…


Flaxseed and chia


Vinegar in general (fermented and natural vinegars of rice, umeboshi and apple are less yin) and raw oil…


Raw fish, white fish, snail, clams, lobster, oyster, octopus, rabbit, yogurt, cow’s milk and also lean fresh cheese, fresh dairy in general…


Original Limu – Nuku hiva – Noni max and also original – Restoriix – Giving greens


Fresh water, juices, vegetable milks, green tea, teas, kombucha, flower of salt…

Essential oils

  • Celery
  • Eucalyptus
  • Marjoram
  • Mint
  • Roman chamomile

Contraindications in case of external dryness

Foods of a hot or temperate nature, toasted, baked, fried, cooked under pressure, sautéed long, stewed, boiled, dehydrated, cooked longer and over low heat, combined with salt or dressings such as miso or shoyu…


Onion, leek, scallion, garlic, carrot, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, dried radish, cooked seaweed.


Cherries, lychees, grapes, dates, apricots, plums…


Buckwheat, toasted cereals, sweet rice, oats, millet…

 Fermented legumes such as tempeh or natto, azuki…

Seeds, oils and nuts

Chestnut, pine nut, almond, hazelnut, walnuts, pistachios, roasted sesame, peanut, sunflower seeds, so olive oil in cooking…


Basil, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, rosemary, anise, sage, oregano, fennel, dill, cumin, nutmeg, mustard, bay leaf, fenugreek, black pepper, turmeric, parsley, chives, chili peppers and also coffee…


Sea salt, shoyu, tamari, miso, tekka, capers, gomasio, honey, amasake, molasses, cocoa, sourdough bread, tobacco, alcohol, so sausages…


Meats in general, oily fish, trout, lamb, shrimp, mussel, chicken, anchovies, goat’s milk, butter, ghee, boiled egg, more fatty and cured cheeses …


It comes from a vacuum of organic liquids. Because organs such as the spleen, kidneys, and lungs do not properly produce and distribute fluids.

Symptoms of internal dryness

  • Constipation
  • Dizziness or weakness
  • Dry and sticky mouth, affecting the ability to speak, mouth and lips, skin that retracts when slightly pinched (which remains contracted)
  • Has difficulty swallowing dry food
  • Higher than normal body temperature with or without chills
  • Lack of appetite and also thirst (dehydrated people often feel less hungry and thirsty)
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Sunken eyes
  • Swollen, cracked, or dry tongue
  • Thirst
  • Urinating little or nothing
  • Weariness

Main causes of internal dryness

  • Bleeding
  • Excessive diarrhea, sweating, vomiting
  • Febrile illness
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite or simply not drinking enough fluids. Keep in mind that liquids come from both solid foods and liquids, so if a person is not eating enough, they should consume more fluids to compensate.
  • Surgery

Treatment in case of internal dryness

Rest and hydration: drink more pure water, broths, fruits according to the season of the year, some oily foods

Quantum accessory



Therapeutic nutrition

Raw foods, sprouts, fresh fruits in general, juices, smoothies, raw vegetables, fermented, fast sautéed, steamed, quick blanched, pickled.


Cucumber, sprouts, green leaves, mushrooms, pickles or fast fermented, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, eggplant, pepper, beetroot, radish, turnip, asparagus, pea, artichoke, potatoes …


Melon, watermelon, banana, kiwi, lemon, grapefruit, strawberries, blackberries, avocado, pear, tomato, mandarin, peach, papaya, orange, fig, pineapple, mango, coconut, like tropical fruits…


Barley, quinoa, corn, polenta, basmati rice, wheat, amaranth …


Fresh tofu, mung beans, yellow soybeans, raw or steamed tempeh…


Vinegar in general (fermented and natural vinegars of rice, umeboshi and apple are less yin) and raw oil…


Raw fish, white fish, snail, clams, lobster, oyster, octopus, rabbit, yogurt, cow’s milk and also lean fresh cheese, fresh dairy in general…


Original Limu – Nuku hiva – Noni max and also original – Restoriix – Giving greens


Fresh water, juices, vegetable milks, green tea, teas, kombucha, flower of salt…

Essential oils

  • Celery
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemon balm
  • Marjoram
  • Mint
  • Roman chamomile

Contraindications in case of internal dryness

Foods of a hot or temperate nature, toasted, baked, fried, cooked under pressure, sautéed long, stewed, boiled, dehydrated, cooked longer and over low heat, combined with salt or dressings such as miso or shoyu…


Onion, leek, scallion, garlic, carrot, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, dried radish, cooked seaweed.


Cherries, lychees, grapes, dates, apricots, plums…


Buckwheat, toasted cereals, sweet rice, oats, millet…


Tempeh, azuki…

Seeds, oils and nuts

Chestnut, pine nut, almond, hazelnut, walnuts, pistachios, roasted sesame, peanut, sunflower seeds, so olive oil in cooking…


Basil, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, rosemary, anise, sage, oregano, fennel, dill, cumin, nutmeg, mustard, bay leaf, fenugreek, black pepper, turmeric, parsley, chives, chili peppers and also coffee…


Sea salt, shoyu, tamari, miso, tekka, capers, gomasio, honey, amasake, molasses, cocoa, sourdough bread, tobacco, alcohol, so sausages…


Meats in general, oily fish, trout, lamb, shrimp, mussel, chicken, anchovies, goat’s milk, butter, ghee, boiled egg, more fatty and cured cheeses …


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