Velho Cinnamon

4 May, 2022

The Velho Cinnamon Snuff offers for its presence : Mental alignment, mental openness, mental harmony, Self-knowledge, understanding, concentration, connection with the Earth, confidence, vigor of the body

Botanical name : Miconia albicans

Indigenous family : Huni Kuin – Kaxinawá

Habitat : Brasil

Botanical description

The bark of Velho Cinnamon is considered one of the ten most important Brazilian medicinal plants. it is not only known for being beautiful, but also for being considered one of the ten most important Brazilian medicinal plants. According to Brazilian researchers, the power of the plant is due to an alkaloid found in its bark, which was called pareirina.

The fact is that the branches of miconia albicans or old cinnamon attract the attention of both doctors and researchers. Some of his contributions to human health have already been proven and can be added to his routine, such as reducing pain in different regions of the body.

What contains Velho Cinnamon

How :

It is made with ash from the bark of the Velho Cinnamon tree (Miconia albicans), Amazonian tobacco, and other medicinal plants of the Amazon.

Properties of Velho Cinnamon

How :

  • Anchor consciousness in the body
  • Controls cholesterol
  • Deeply cleanses the blood
  • Fights microorganisms, destroying them or inhibiting their growth, symptoms and signs of inflammation, premature aging
  • Prevents or fights tumors, the development and indiscriminate reproduction of neoplastic cells, the formation of oxides
  • Protects the liver system
  • Reduces free radicals, blood sugar, blood fat and liver
  • Relieves or reduces pain
  • Tones the digestive system

Indicaciones of Velho Cinnamon


How :

  • Arthrosis
  • Bursitis
  • Chronic pain and inflammation joint, back, knees
  • Circulatory system problem
  • Colds
  • Diabetes
  • Diarrhea
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestine
  • Excess weight
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastritis
  • High blood sugar
  • Inflammation of the joints
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sinusitis
  • Tendinitis

Emotional psychic


  • Bitterness
  • Changes in life orientation
  • Chronic insecurity
  • Criticism
  • Disappointment
  • Intolerance
  • Mental inflexibility
  • Moralism
  • Repression
  • Sadness
  • Sorrow
  • Too much demand, pride in relation to myself, others or situations of my existence
  • Wrath

You can also find this product in the center cauce

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See also the page Ancestral Medicine y Snuff