29 August, 2022

Fountain of the Corner

Localization of VC23E

VC23E is located just above the Adan nut, at the upper edge of the hyoid bone.

Sky Window Zone

Properties of VC23E

  • Dissolve phlegm
  • Facilitates saliva
  • It allows us to express our emotions, creativity and ideas in the way we feel best, while respecting our abilities.
  • Lowers energy
  • Moistens the throat
  • Soothes cough
  • Treats voice problems

Physical indications of VC23E

  • Aphasia with tongue stiffness due to stroke
  • Difficulty or inability to swallow
  • Excess saliva production
  • Shortened breath
  • Stiffness in the tongue due to wind attack
  • Sudden loss of voice
  • Swelling and pain in the hypoglossal nerve region

Psychic indications of VC23E

  • Disgust in front of a person, a thing, or a situation
  • Dispersion of our energies
  • Emotional blow
  • Hyper-emotionality
  • Inner agitation
  • Strong emotion experienced on the sexual plane We do not know what to say or which direction to take, nor how to interpret this direction in relation to the emotion experienced

You can try this product for free one week before buying it.

IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fieldsEnergetic balanceEnergetic pointsQuantum technology   – Chakras

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