Tsunu Bay

3 May, 2022

The Tsunu Bay Snuff offers for its presence : Openness of the heart, mental clarity, connection with the Earth, confidence, happiness, perception…

Botanical name : Platycyamus regnellii

Indigenous family : Pataxó

Habitat : Brasil

Botanical description

Platycyamus regnellii is a deciduous tree of the fabaceae family with a dense, globose crown. It can reach from 10 to 20 meters in height. The trunk can measure between 40 and 60 cm in diameter. Tree grows fast, is beautiful when in bloom and can be planted as a pioneer species for forest restoration.

Bark of this tree is not only known for being beautiful, but also for being considered one of the ten most important Brazilian medicinal plants. According to Brazilian researchers, the power of the plant is due to an alkaloid found in its bark, which was called pareirina.

What contains Tsunu Bay

How :

Handmade rope tobacco, ash from the bark of the tree “Platycyamus regnellii” and also the plant “manidarushakuma”

Properties of Tsunu Bay

How :

  • Acts on the 3 mental-emotional and also physical levels
  • Balances the energy of the heart
  • Cleanses the cardiovascular system like energies
  • Clear the mind
  • Connect with Mother Earth
  • Develops the power of self-healing
  • Dissolves negative emotions
  • Fights symptoms and also the signs of inflammation
  • Helps you make good decisions
  • Open the chakra of the heart
  • Prevents gastric ulcers, the formation or development of microbes
  • Relieves or reduces pain
  • Strengthens the spirit
  • Unlock emotions

Indicaciones of Tsunu Bay


How :

  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Inflammations
  • Lack of appetite
  • Malaria
  • Pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Weariness

Emotional psychic


  • Apathy
  • Blocked, negative emotion
  • Closed heart
  • Egocentrism
  • Imprudence
  • Injustice
  • Insensibility
  • Intolerance
  • Laziness
  • Manipulation
  • Mental confusion
  • Skepticism
  • Unconsciousness
  • Vanity
  • Weak mind

You can also find this product in the center cauce

We also ship it worldwide

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See also the page Ancestral Medicine y Snuff