
21 June, 2022

A stimulating energy blend of super-fruit extracts and antioxidants

The nutrition decisions you make every day can have a profound impact on your life. The glamour of a fast-paced, on-the-go lifestyle fades quickly in the face of energy breakdowns, mental stupor, and a sense of general malaise. To counter this trend, a commitment to a nutrient-rich diet and regular exercise is a logical first step toward wellness. To maintain a good rhythm, add a supplement that will boost your energy and contribute to your best health goals in your daily routine.

Poweriix brings that boost by promoting mental agility, energy and an overall sense of well-being. This supplement offers an exclusive range of antioxidants and natural extracts of super-fruits, in combination with plenty of natural energy stimulants. These unique ingredients are specially combined to boost energy without causing a collapse or slump hours later, by working with your body to increase energy naturally.

Synergistic effects of the Poweriix super-formula

Developed with antioxidants that promote natural energy levels and a healthy immune system.

Check significant savings with Poweriix, as you get many of the powerful super-fruits in a great product.

The science behind Poweriix

Scientists studying the field of nutrition and wellness are finding that certain food combinations can offer a significant nutritional advantage. A report from the U.S. National Library of Medicine noted that “the health benefits of fruits and vegetables come from additives and synergistic combinations of phytochemicals.”  This beneficial synergy is the inspiration for the Poweriix formula. Recent studies have also shown that Poweriix’s ingredients contribute to clarity of mind, joy, and energy, as well as beneficial antioxidants that contribute to wellness and overall health.

Concentrated super-fruits

  • Acai, goji, maqui, sea buckthorn berries
  • Fruit of Hawaiian noni, mangosteen

+ Natural energy stimulants

  • L-theanine
  • Green coffee bean extract
  • Chamomile

= An extraordinary contribution of energy!

The way we get nutrients is also important for our health. Scientists and health experts say it’s more important to get small amounts of antioxidants from multiple sources than mega-doses from a single source. This is because different antioxidants work in different ways to perform various functions throughout the body. Poweriix’s super-fruit combination offers a diverse blend of powerful nutrients to provide superior benefits.

Exceptional combination

Acai berry

Acai berries, found in the Brazilian jungle, are tiny potent berries that have been used for thousands of years to promote holistic health, energy, and vitality. The berry comes from a palm tree known to Brazilians as the Tree of Life. The acai berry offers a powerful blend of antioxidant properties and plant sterols to promote health by defending tissues from free radicals, promoting a healthy aging process, boosting immunity and contributing to a healthy heart. Acai contains as much vitamin C as blueberries, plus essential minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc. One bottle of Poweriix provides acai concentrate equivalent to 6 grams of mash – the equivalent of two bottles of wine from the extraordinary acai juice! Poweriix offers an effective way to add these amazing health-promoting ingredients into your daily routine.


Mangosteen is known as the queen of fruits in Asia and the food of the gods in the French Caribbean. It contains xanthones, a unique class of biologically active compounds that process antioxidant properties.

Maqui berry

Native to the Patagonia region of South America, this super-antioxidant fruit was consumed by the Mapuche Indians for its medicinal properties and is often recognized for its contribution to weight loss through.

the elimination of toxins from the body. Maqui berries have a high level of anthocyanins that, according to various studies, have antioxidant properties and therefore reduce the harmful effects of oxidative stress.


Similar in appearance to a small potato, with a bitter smell and taste, noni is traditionally used in Polynesian cultures to treat a wide variety of health problems, ranging from menstrual cramps to liver health and urinary tract infections. Noni contains beneficial elements for humans such as fiber, protein, iron, vitamin C, calcium, and zinc, and more recent research has even indicated that it has potential antioxidant effects.

Sea buckthorn

This berry has a rich history in Asia and Europe as a medicinal product. In addition to having antioxidant vitamins, healthy fatty acids, and other nutrients, sea buckthorn berries are also high in vitamins C and E, essential minerals, amino acids, carotenoids, phenolic pigments, and phytosterols.

Goji berry

Goji berries have been found in China and Europe and in various Chinese medicinal preparations for thousands of years. Also commonly known as goji cherries, these berries contain antioxidants, particularly carotenoids such as beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, which are helpful in protecting the retina of the eye and supporting vision.


L-theanine is the amino acid found in green tea leaves. Research has shown that L-theanine creates a feeling of relaxation approximately 30-40 minutes after ingestion directly stimulating the production of alpha brain waves and creating a state of deep relaxation and mental agility similar to meditation. One of the biggest benefits of L-theanine is that it can be used without being sedated in the process. L-theanine does not leave one drowsy, nor does it promote sleep because this amino acid does not produce theta waves in the brain. It is also key in supporting the immune system.

Green coffee bean extract

Green coffee bean extract (EGCV) has antioxidant properties similar to other natural antioxidants such as green tea and grape seed extract. Made from green beans from the Arabica coffee plant, EGCV stimulates the absorption of L-theanine and enhances its effects. In addition, some studies have found that EGCV is rich in chlorogenic acid, which helps the liver process fatty acids more effectively. In comparison, roasted coffee beans contain cafestol and other compounds associated with the negative effects of using coffee as a stimulant. When using green coffee bean extract, these substances are not present in Poweriix.

Hawthorn berry

The use of hawthorn in traditional medicine dates back to the first century. According to Celtic folklore, hawthorn could heal even a broken heart. In the early nineteenth century, American doctors used extract from the berries to treat heart problems, ranging from irregular heartbeat to high blood pressure. Today, hawthorn is still used for several of the same benefits and much more. According to modern studies, antioxidant-rich hawthorn is beneficial for helping to reduce free radical damage, as well as for contributing to blood flow, improving circulation, and lowering blood pressure.


Throughout history, chamomile has been valued for its calming effects. Studies have shown that chamomile possesses anxiolytic properties.

One of the most popular herbs in the Western world, as well as one of the most popular forms of tea, chamomile is also commonly used for:

  • Relieve muscle spasms
  • Wounds and skin irritation
  • Reduces digestive problems, stress and also insomnia

Our commitment to excellence

Our commitment is to provide you with the best health and wellness products through extensive research of modern nutrition science. NewAge’s 100% power guarantee is the cornerstone of our quality and we are also dedicated to our mission to develop human potential for the common good.

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