
13 May, 2022

Omega-Q is an exclusive blend of essential omega-3 fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).  Two of the most potent ingredients on Earth to initiate and maintain overall health, starting at the level of cells.

This balanced combination promotes the functioning of the heart and brain, as well as an overall sense of well-being.

A dynamic duo


It is a key substance that the body needs to function because every cell in the body needs it to create energy. CoQ10 also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. It supports the heart and is an important factor in preserving mental function by protecting brain cells.

As CoQ10 levels naturally decrease with age, it is essential to supplement the diet with additional CoQ10 in order to maintain optimal and healthy levels.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Present in fish oils have been praised in several studies for promoting and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, brain function and reproductive health.

Since omega-3 fatty acids cannot be sustained in the body, it is also important to supplement the diet with omega-3 on a regular basis.


It is ideal for adding this dynamic duo of essential ingredients to the diet in a convenient source.

Fish oil of unsurpassed quality

The fish oils used in Omega-Q exceed government regulations and guidelines on contaminants worldwide. Offering pure omega 3 fatty acids, high quality, odorless and tasteless.


The only oils certified by the United States Pharmacopoeia.

It comes from small ocean fish, such as sardines and anchovies, from the purest region of the ocean on the western coast of South America. These fisheries are among the most strictly regulated in the world, ensuring that Omega-Q is the product of a healthy, fully sustainable fishery and a renewable resource.

As it comes from these small fish, as opposed to fats or large species, it also greatly reduces the risk of mercury, toxins and other contaminants.

Fish oil is further purified and thoroughly tested to meet rigorous global standards of quality and purity, including those set in the European Union, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, Health Canada, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The oil has also obtained the FDA’s Generally Recognized Food Safety Status (GRAS).

CoQ10 of unsurpassed quality

  • It is one of the most carefully examined, with pure coenzyme Q10 on the market.
  • It is produced exclusively through a natural yeast fermentation process, resulting in fewer impurities than other processed CoQ10s may contain.
  • Identical to the CoQ10 found in the body.
  • It has the status of generally recognized as safe (GRAS) for use in food and beverages.
  • Free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), Kosher certified and allergen-free.
  • It is made in the USA and is manufactured in accordance with good manufacturing practices designed by the FDA.
  • Our CoQ10 has been proven safe in dozens of animal and human studies, with clinical doses up to 3,000 mg daily, and no studies have shown adverse effects.
  • By remaining firm with the commitment to the highest levels of quality. Omega-Q adds another layer of health-promoting benefits by transporting CoQ10 to the body using virgin olive oil, as opposed to the cheap substances such as soybean oil, glycerin or malto dextrin usually found in other products.

According to the American Heart Association, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are directly related to healthy immune, cardiovascular, and neurological systems.

Omega-Q benefits the heart by providing it with omega-3s (EPA and DHA), which are very important nutrients with a beneficial impact on heart functions.

Other related benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, include maintaining healthy, normal blood pressure, as well as normal, healthy triglyceride levels in the blood. Both factors contribute to good overall cardiovascular health.

Omega-Q benefits the brain

Providing you with omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which are very important nutrients that promote brain development at all stages of life.

DHA supports early brain development during the third trimester of pregnancy and the first two years of life. In addition to helping to maintain optimal brain health throughout life.

Extensive research by Dr. A.J. Richardson, principal investigator at the University of Oxford’s Evidence-Based Intervention Center, showed that omega-3 supports brain function at the simplest level by improving blood flow.

Omega-Q’s Top Quality Ingredients

CoQ10 and omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients for life, not only for heart and brain health, but also for the whole body.

These healthy fats play complementary roles in human health, aiding normal growth and development while also acting as the main pillars of cells in vital organs.

Properties of Omega-Q

  • Help in case of hyperactivity, attention deficit, depression, antisocial behavior
  • Fights rheumatoid arthritis
  • Decreases high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, cardiovascular diseases
  • Prevents a number of diseases, such as: arthritis, depression, Alzheimer’s, heart disease
  • Protects cell membranes
  • Reduces blood pressure

Our commitment to excellence

Our commitment is to provide you with the best health and wellness products through extensive research in modern nutrition science.

NewAge’s 100% power guarantee is the cornerstone of our quality. We are dedicated to our mission to develop human potential for the common good.

You can buy this product in our  online store or order it directly with us according to the country where you live.

LEARN MORE : Cellular nutrition