
6 September, 2022

Micro-bleeding are used as a dispersion technique. It consists of removing a small amount of blood with one or more superficial incisions. This action moves the blood. To avoid infections extreme hygiene: wear gloves and gauze. A lancet or hammer of plum blossom or suction cups is usually used to bleed larger areas. To bleed small superficial venous vessels it is better to use hypodermic needle.

Actions for micro-bleeding

  • Eliminates acute attacks by hot wind (pharyngitis, stye, heat stroke …).
  • Chronic problems (chronic inflammation of a serous pouch…).
  • Treats blood stagnation

Where micro-bleeding is applied

River Points

  • They open the pure orifice (brain).
  • Very fast action points : resuscitation, acute cases, acute contracture, first stages of the disease.  They are the most external and superficial. They are located on the fingers and toes, except R1.
  • They mainly deal with stagnation.

In the Meridians Yang (metal), in the meridians Yin (wood)control the flow of energy in the organs (unlock).

Yin (wood) meridians by micro-bleeding

Yang (metal) meridians by micro-bleeding

Apex of the ear from micro-bleeding

For attacks of cold or hot wind in acute phase.

Experience Points

Those that have an effect on a symptom by bleeding it, for example P5 and V40 bleeding for acute gastroenteritis.

Spider veins

When there is chronic stagnation of a meridian, thickened capillaries and spider veins appear in the area. They are usually maroon or bluish. They help remove the symptom by releasing stagnant blood.

Large skin areas

Trapezium contractures, acute torticollis due to cold. Bleeding or suction cupping may be done. The 7-pronged hammer can be used for this.

Types of indentation

Capillary bleeding

When we bite the tips of the fingers, points rivers or areas of the back. We do not itch a visible blood vessel. With an insertion of about 2 mm deep we empty the blood from the superficial capillaries of an area. Squeeze out drops of blood or apply a suction cup to suck it out. The amount of blood to be removed depends on each patient, just a few drops in the right place make a great effect.

Venous bleeding

When we bite a small visible venous vessel, such as spider veins. In this case with the lancet we have little visibility of where we bite, it is better to use a hypodermic needle to make a good insertion and not produce hematoma. Small very superficial and dark vessels are chosen. An insertion is made with care not to completely pass through the vessel and is allowed to bleed until it coagulates on its own (except in special cases with bleeding disorders).

Material needed by micro-bleeding

  • Hypodermic needle for venous bleeding.
  • Alcohol to disinfect the area before the puncture.
  • Gauze instead of cotton. Cotton fibers become entangled in clots. It is better to use gauze.
  • Gloves.
  • Lancets for capillary bleeding (river points, back areas…).
  • A bandage or band-aid may be needed to compress patients who have a hard time clotting.
  • Disposable plastic sterilized suction cups. The glass suction cup needs to be sterilized with an autoclave to be safely reused. It is more practical and economical to buy single-use plastic suction cups.

Contradictions of micro-bleeding

  • Elderly
  • Anemic
  • Diabetics (avoid bleeding your feet)
  • Heart disease – avoid the chest, you can C9 to soothe the pain
  • Hemorrhagic diseases
  • Hepatitis
  • Pregnant woman
  • Very weak patient
  • Person with anticoagulants
  • AIDS
  • Tumor

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