
10 July, 2022

It is in the hips where the movement of the legs begins, that is, walking. The legs are used to move freely. We can hold back from moving forward. Hence the indecision to move forward in life.

Due to hip problems, our body indicates a certain rigidity: we feel inflexibility in a situation or a person. It can come from a situation where we feel betrayed by someone or abandoned and it has affected us so much that we rethink our relationships with others. In addition, we are happy to set “new rules” to protect ourselves from being hurt again. We may be worried about the future: therefore, we feel anxiety when we have to make an important decision because we may feel that we are not going anywhere.

When we have pain in our hips, our body sends us a message. It helps us develop our awareness so that we can move forward in life with confidence and security and teaches us to be more flexible in making decisions, thus ensuring a better future.

When there is pain, there is guilt!

This is how pain in the hips, or hips that don’t move, can tell us that we are blocking our sexual pleasure out of fear or guilt. We can even experience impotence on a sexual level as in our ability to accept ourselves as we are, with our tastes, our desires, our pleasures.

We will be sexually and emotionally disturbed, thus preventing our hips from functioning normally. This helplessness can also be experienced in the fact that we don’t feel able to take our place and oppose someone or something. This situation forces us to think about the limits we set.

If the hip hurts more when we are standing, we want to stick to our decisions, but fear holds us back. If, on the other hand, the hip hurts more when sitting or lying down, this indicates that we are preventing ourselves from resting or taking a moment of rest when we need it.

The intensity of the pain is an indication of the degree of our defeatist attitude. We trust ourselves, we trust others and let’s go, throw them, we advance in our decisions. As we move forward we will know if our decision suits us and what to do if we change our minds. We must live a new experience to verify if what we want at that moment is beneficial for us or not. If we think, “It’s not going to go well,” we’ll never know if that’s what we should do. Instead of believing that we are not moving forward, let us be more aware of our progress. If we don’t believe it, let’s see if others think the same. Let’s be more flexible, that is, let’s agree to change our way of thinking with confidence; it will enlighten us a lot.

Let us remember: in life there are no mistakes, only experiences!

We find balance when we walk in life with confidence and serenity that we appreciate life for all that makes us live in each moment.

Let us live in balance with these experiences.

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