25 August, 2022

Universal offering

Localization of B4E

B4E is located in a small depression in front of the base of the first metatarsal, at the bridge of the foot, where the skin changes color.

Properties of B4E

  • Benefits the heart and chest
  • Boost digestion
  • Calm the mind
  • Carries energy and blood to all regions of the body
  • Eliminates stagnation, especially in the inner area of the body, moisture
  • Harmonizes the medium heater
  • Moves the blood, especially if there is poor circulation
  • Regulates any blockage of energy and blood, the spleen mainly, but also all organs and meridians

Physical indications of B4E

  • Abdominal, head, and face swelling
  • Ankle sprain
  • Blood vacuum
  • Cold in the stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Distention and pain in the abdomen, umbilical region
  • Dysenteric, menstrual and gynecological disorder
  • Energy rebellion in the stomach
  • Epilepsy
  • Esophageal constriction
  • Excessive heat in the stomach
  • Feeling of warmth on the sole of the foot
  • Gastralgia
  • Heartburn
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Infarction
  • Irregular periods
  • Metrorrhagia
  • Moisture buildup in the medium heater
  • Pain in the stomach, lumbar, abdominal, heel, epigastric, stabbing in the intestines
  • Painful tension, in the area of the anus or bladder, with a burning sensation and constant desire to defecate or urinate
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Poor appetite
  • Presence of undigested food, blood in the stool
  • Sterility
  • Superficial visual obstruction
  • Vomiting

Psychic indications of B4E

  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Despair
  • Imbalance
  • Indecision
  • Insecurity
  • Instability
  • Nervousness
  • Restlessness
  • Sadness
  • Sorrow
  • Uncertainty
  • We have no pleasure when we eat
  • Worry

You can try this product for free one week before buying it.

IF WE WANT TO KNOW MORE, READ THESE ARTICLES : Tuning and synchronization of fieldsEnergetic balanceEnergetic pointsQuantum technology   – Chakras

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